Health and Fitness

I was on my mountain bike, speeding down a trail. My mind should have been sinuous singletrack before me. Instead, I found myself focusing on the harder sections of trail up ahead. Would I be able to stay on my bike for all of those...

[caption id="attachment_22122" align="alignright" width="156"] Eric C. Johnson, Primary Care Practice Manager, Board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner[/caption] Many Americans go without the preventive health care needed to stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of disease, lead productive lives, and reduce health care costs. In fact, often due...

[caption id="attachment_29367" align="alignright" width="203"] Kara Johnson[/caption] She practices what she preaches. "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" constitute the foundational text of Raja (royal) Yoga. The teachings, which lay out a path for achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony, offer practices for daily life, among them, ahimsa. Ahimsa...