Medical Moment: How Often Should I Be Screened for Skin Cancer?
Telluride Inside...
Telluride Inside...
One definition of yoga is moving from one place to a higher, better place. Welcome to the Telluride Yoga Festival 2015. Check out all the fun and new extra's coming your way for the 8th annual gathering and purchase tickets here. Below are just some of...
These days, yoga dances with many unlikely partners: nudity, marijuana, SUP, heat, even dogs. But snow? Yes, according to this recent article by Courtney Rubin in The New York Times entitled “Frozen Yoga? It’s Snowga.” Pairing yoga and snow in March brings us home, where a locally grown company named...
Saturday, March 14 marks 3rd annual Gary Wright Memorial Free Skin Cancer Screening Clinic. 8 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Sheridan Opera House. Free. First come, first served. For more information visit One in five Americans will develop skin cancer over the course of their lifetime. Living at altitude...
Last month the Telluride Hospital District (THD) selected an architectural firm, Mahlum Architects, to execute the initial planning and design phases for the proposed new medical center in Mountain Village. Mahlum Architects competed with three other firms for the contract and brings highly specialized experience in...
Telluride Professional Forum, an initiative of the Telluride Women’s Network, hosts talk featuring Drs. Grundy & Hamrick. Thursday, 11:30 – 2 p.m.; talk on skincare, noon – 1 p.m. Tickets, $25 in advance; non-members, $30. Sign up here now. A show of hands please. How many of you...
“Ecstatic experiences disassemble us in some significant way and swirl our pieces back together again in new configurations,” Barbara Carrellas, from “Ecstasy is Necessary” Meryl Streep could not curb her enthusiasm when Best Supporting Actress winner (for “Boyhood”) Patricia Arquette used the podium soap-box style to...
Last month Mountain Village Town Council ratified a land conveyance agreement with the Telluride Hospital District (THD) bringing a new regional medical center one step closer to a reality. Mountain Village Town Council sanctioned the transfer of the roughly one acre property from the Town of Mountain...
Every now and then, I see a vegan recipe that inspires and gets me thinking I could live a vegan lifestyle. I love the notion of veganism: no animal welfare issues or red meat health hazards. It’s all about plant-based living that is kind to your...