Health and Fitness

If you have just opened your computer to check morning email, first cuppa at hand, that might be a very good thing for your health. Not the emails. The coffee. (But plan to have at least two more cups.) Huff Post food and health editor Kate Bratskeir spills...

Local climbing gym opens Sunday, November 29, hosted by Telluride Mountain Club and made possible with monetary support from CCAASE. Telluride Academy donated most of the equipment. The Telluride Indoor Climbing Gym opens its doors on Sunday, November 29 for the winter climbing season. The gym will remain open through...

Dr. Haley Perlus continues with tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” This week, Haley talks about how six little questions can help you achieve peak results. In your sport. In life. We have all heard that the best way to get results is to ignore...

Food and Health Editor Kate Bratskeir of the Huffington Post touts four good reasons why everyone should lose the pjs and sleep naked. Only about 8 percent of Americans doze off in their birthday suits, but many more should consider going to bed in the buff....

A slew of scientific studies suggest that mindfulness meditation offers some pretty powerful holistic health benefits. But how exactly does this practice impact the brain? An article by Dr. Travis Bradberry on Linkedin,com/Pulse explains. There’s no shortage of advice out there claiming to make you better, but...

Conversations about nutrition and “clean eating" abound: (somewhat ironically) over cocktails, daily on the Internet. Found this helpful blog on Rodale [caption id="attachment_54729" align="aligncenter" width="275"] Sweet potatoes are high in vitamins C and E and the carotenoids alpha- and beta-carotene, all of which reduce inflammation and...

Dr. Haley Perlus continues with tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” This week, Haley talks about mental toughness, using the Kansas City Royals World Series win as the prime example of how core values can decide the day. On the field. In life.  Breaking news (not):...

When we began this series, I wrote about the many benefits received from a regular meditation practice. Just in case you missed the post, however, the facts are repeated below. To assist you in getting a regular meditation practice started, I  followed up by posting a Receiving from Source...