Health and Fitness

Within eight short years, by 2028 those in the know say, what we eat could well depend upon our genetics: the microbiome in our guts and our physiology. DNA testing will unlock our "personalized nutrition" – which could be good for the planet since livestock...

Michael Pollan (of "How to Change Your Mind") must be psyched. And those who've attended the John Hopkins lectures at the Telluride Mushroom Festival about extremely positive results using psilocybin to mitigate depression and PTSD and help with smoking cessation should be cheering too. The...

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? Or is simply eating when you are actually hungry the way to go, even if that occurs later in the morning? Is it ok to skip breakfast altogether? This story by Leigh Weingus, writing for...

Even if you have your financial house in order, if you are a Boomer (or just curious how) you might want to read this story by Elizabeth O'Brien for Money. It tells the tale of 100-year-old retirees who are still living very well thank you,...

A request to raise taxes an approximate $9 per every $100,000 of actual residential valuation to benefit the Telluride Regional Medical Center to be presented to voters this November. A PAC has been formed to handle the responsibility of raising awareness and support for the measure. Please scroll...

The Telluride Ski Resort and The Peaks Resort & Spa in Mountain Village are hosting week-long wellness intensives titled "Live Longer Retreat." The Big Idea is to support your annual resolution to get really healthy and therefore live longer well. In the last quarter of...

The Spa at the Peaks Resort & Spa introduces a brand new, 90-minute, deep tissue (with reflexology) package titled “The Peaks Elevated Relief." The treatment features Lord Jones Pain & Wellness formula topicals, full-spectrum, whole-plant medicine designed to provides relief from pain, inflammation and a...

The Town of Mountain Village prioritizes Mental Health in recognizing September as Suicide Prevention Month. If you are concerned for yourself, a family member, or friend, you can receive help by calling the National Suicide Prevention Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or the Colorado Crisis Services...

The Telluride Ski Resort and The Peaks Resort & Spa in Mountain Village are hosting week-long wellness intensives titled Live Longer Retreat. The Big Idea is to support your annual resolution to get really healthy and therefore live longer well. With 2018 more than half over, what progress have you...