Health and Fitness

Tri-County Health Network’s Navigator Program helps residents deal with complexities of health care [caption id="attachment_47895" align="aligncenter" width="398"] From Left: Thea Wagler, Veronica “Skitter” Jones, Deon Tempfer[/caption] The San Miguel watershed, although known for its natural beauty, contains some of the most rural and isolated towns in the...

Back in the early 90's when I was a girl of 12, I had a school friend whose Mum just radiated a healthy, natural beauty. She didn't wear make up or fancy clothes. She just glowed. Ironically, that same lady nearly died a few years before of...

It’s Thursday morning December 18th. There are four or five inches of new snow, and a thousand reasons why I shouldn’t be in the lift line at 8:45a.m: The Christmas cards I haven’t sent, the stack of papers I haven’t graded, the emails I haven’t...

U.S. News ranked them, Huff Post curated them, and now you get to see which diets work and which don’t. Hint: Mediterranean & Weight Watchers, good; South Beach & Vegen ok; Atkins & Paleo, not so much. Read on...

Remedy Yoga in LA expects students to smoke some cannabis before arriving at the studio and then think of their mats as “private magic carpets.” It is a glittering generality, but nonetheless true that a yoga practice is designed to change consciousness, i.e. deepen awareness of...

We know all about it. Just shy of the stroke of midnight you added “dieting” to your list of New Year’s resolutions – before dashing to the 'frig for just one more bite of Brie or piece of chocolate. But if you are serious about making 2015 the year for...

Chicago native Lucy Perutz grew up skiing in Telluride with her parents on family ski vacations. Having very quickly realized she was way more Telluride than Second City, after graduating college in Vermont two years ago, Lucy decided to make our box canyon her permanent home. Lucy, a passionate foodie,...

Miracle food, including spices like tumeric. Claims abound. Some even verified. Found this compelling story in Eco Watch about cinnamon, coveted for its flavor yes - and also for  its many medical benies. [caption id="attachment_47072" align="aligncenter" width="259"] Ceylon cinnamon, the preferred choice for medical benies as well as...

If you are a student of Eastern traditions, you have studied the positive impacts of a yoga practice – and not just asana, not just the physical practice – but the fullness of this ancient art and science, then the revelations in this following story...