Health and Fitness

Monday, May 2 , 5:30 p.m.,Temple Grandin is scheduled to speak in Telluride at the Palm Theatre. Yes, THE Temple Grandin.

Temple Grandin became as much of a fixture on the awards show circuit as her Tinseltown counterpart, Claire Danes. And when the lovely Danes won a Golden Globe Award, she made very sure to honor the woman who inspired the eponymous biopic. The film focused on the giant strides Grandin made in the fields of autism advocacy and animal welfare.

A high-functioning autistic,Temple Grandin did not speak until age four. Ultimately, however, she went on to earn a B.A. in psychology and masters and doctorate degrees in animal science. Today Grandin is a full professor at Colorado State University, best-selling author, inventor, designer, consultant.

By J James McTigue

Hotel afar The Mountain closes, we tie up loose ends, pack the bikes and flip flops, head west. That has been our family’s off-season routine the last few years. This year we got an added bonus -- that super-generous offer that never actually works logistically. The reasons are multiple:  The timing is wrong, travel is too expensive, we can’t get off work. But this year, when the phone rang and friends invited us to Deer Valley for two days of skiing, we were all in.

I didn’t think to google where we were staying until we were 30 minutes from our destination, partly because I didn’t have time and partly because I didn’t care. I’ve never been a ‘hotel’ girl. Growing up, we camped on family vacations. Apparently this bothered my sister, because when she was ten she put on her list to Santa “to stay in a condominium when we go on vacation , like my friends do.”

As we approached Park City, I got out my smart phone to figure out where we were going. “What’s the name of the place?” I asked my husband, Jake.

The Montage,” he replied.

[click "Play", Beau Staley talks about diamonds]



Diamond rings "They will show up the wearer if they can," from The Sandcastle, by Iris Murdoch.

Telluride's Dolce Jewels returns for its regular featured engagement: Birthstone of the Month. And this month, we do mean engagement. April, the month of the Ram and the Bull, is also the month for diamonds.

The name "diamond" is derived from the ancient Greek "adamas," meaning "unbreakable." In the case of the renowned Taylor-Burton Diamond, weighing in at 69.42 carats, the diamond was. The relationship wasn't. After her divorce from Richard, the dearly departed Liz sold her world-famous pear-shaped stone, planning to use part of the $5 million proceeds to build a hospital in Botswana.

Mycologist and author Paul Stamets will return as a featured speaker at the Telluride Mushroom Festival’s 31st annual gathering in Colorado, Aug. 18-21.

For over 30 years, Paul has named new mushroom species, pioneered countless techniques in the field of edible and medicinal mushroom cultivation, and written six ground-breaking books, including his latest – Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World.

[click "Play" to listen to Kristin Holbrook on espadrilles]     It is getting to be that time in Telluride: end of season and the mountain about to close. Feet starting to feel naked without boots, boards or skis? Telluride's Two...

[click "Play" to hear Kristin's conversation with Susan about Spring]



Tucker fashion Here's the good news: at the height of Spring Break, Telluride's Two Skirts was slammed. We personally saw customers marching across Main Street with BIg Bags from the store at around 10 p.m. one night. Here's the bad news: everyone was too busy to record Fashion Friday. But we're back and into the first week of Spring, which started this year on March 20.

In Spring, a young girl's fancy turns toward vibrant colors and patterns: the brand, "Tucker" springs to mind.

Since 2005, Tucker by Gaby Basora has developed a reputation for signature prints and vintage-inspired silhouettes inspired by, well, a hodgepodge of inputs. According to the designer, she may be turned on by "Marguerite Duras, a drawing made by her son, the way a tree looks when she bikes by it, the French schoolgirls she saw when she was a little girl visiting Paris in the 1980s.

[click "Play to hear Bill Kurtain's conversation with Susan]


Bill Kurtain Winter in Telluride is all about snow sports: alpine and cross-country skiing and snowboarding. Summer in Telluride is all about festivals, hiking, biking, fly-fishing, golf, fun on the water and now –  cue drum roll – tennis. This summer, follow the bouncing ball "uptown" to The Peaks Resort and Spa in Mountain Village, where Telluride's premiere hotel plans to serve up getaway tennis retreats for locals and guests starting in June.

The Peaks is the new home of William Kurtain and his Winning Touch Tennis pro staff, in residence to lead four-day (Wednesday – Sunday) tennis immersions focusing on high-energy, play-based drill patterns and positive reinforcement, his "Progressive Learning Program."

[click "Play", Kristin Holbrook talks about 10 years of Two Skirts]


Les Girls This month, Telluride's Two Skirts celebrates its 10th anniversary.

For the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, 10 was the symbol of the universe and the number that expressed the whole of human knowledge. For the ancient Maya, "10" marked the end of one cycle and the start of another. And for director Blake Edwards, "10" was the top of the bodaciousness scale, the symbol of Bo Derrick.

For Two Skirts, "10" represents another day in the office. But what an office.

[click "Play", Amanda and Katy talk to Susan about the Fashion Show]



Runway, 2010 TAB The Telluride Student Fashion Show, co-directed by Charlotte Delpit and Devin McCarthy, was a tour de force of directing and choreography, setting the bar pretty darn high for TAB's sold-out gala fashion show on Saturday, March 5. (Get on the waiting list and live in hope.)

Just how high? According to Telluride AIDS Benefit board member Sandy McLaughlin: "We just got our latest totals: we raised $8020 so far from show last night! Highest amount ever!"

Bravo ladies.

Now on to the Main Event.