Fashion Friday: Fingerless gloves
[click "Play" to listen to Kristin Holbrook talk about fingerless gloves] It's a look favored in Telluride by any poor sap who has just wrecked his wrist on the mountain - sort of. This week's topic for Fashion Friday from Telluride Inside... and Out's fashionista, Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts, is fingerless gloves.
Ah yes, we remember it well: The 1980s, the happy decade sandwiched between go-get 'em social activism and self-loathing grunge. That was also the era when lots of young girls turned to the Material Girl for fashion inspiration. On "Like A Virgin," Madonna is wearing the quintessential 80s attire: a white wedding dress with white fingerless gloves.
Fast forward to the present, and another fashion icon (certainly in her own mind) Paris Hilton recently appeared on the "Ellen" show wearing a black and white ensemble that included Chanel fingerless gloves tricked out with rhinestones.