Fashion Friday: Valentine’s Day

Fashion Friday: Valentine’s Day

[click “Play” for Kristin Holbrook’s thoughts on Valentine’s Day]

DSC00175 Poor Valentine’s Day. The holiday has the misfortune of falling between the Christmas/New Year season, when lots of folks blow the bank, and April tax season, which blows everyone’s mind. Being date challenged is really too bad because Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year when a gift ought to express unbridled adoration.

DSC00179 Scant silky intimates is one traditional way to say “I Love You.” Telluride Inside…and Out’s fashion queen, Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts, adds to the list of great ways dress her for success on Valentine’s Day. And no, the price tags won’t leave you seeing red: Two Skirts has heart items from various designers all at affordable prices.

Click the play button to listen to Kristin’s podcast for ways to win her heart.

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