20 Aug Telluride Yoga Center: Natural Birth Control
Lara Catone is an emerging leader in the field of sexual wellness. As a yoga teacher and somatic sexologist with a specialty in women’s health, her mission is to empower radiant health and pleasure. Lara has dedicated the past 10 years to studies in the healing arts, including certifications as sexological bodyworker, birth doula, and AcroYoga teacher. In 2011 she began development of the Restore Your Core program a revolutionary approach to changes in the abdomen and pelvic floor during pregnancy and postpartum including pelvic pain and dysfunction. Lara trains fitness, birth, and medical professionals in her progressive approach to core health.
Lara returns to Telluride to teacher a workshop, “Own Your Cycle! Natural Birth Control & Fertility Awareness,” at the Telluride Yoga Center on Sunday, August 25, noon – 2:30 p.m.
Do you feel at one with or at odds with your womanly cycles? Understanding your monthly fertility cycle can empower you to better understand your body, manage your own health, and know exactly when you can or cannot become pregnant. Use the wisdom of your hormonal rhythms to plan your schedule and maximize energy.
In this interactive workshop, participants will combine gentle healing movement and breath practices for connecting to the womb with discussion of women’s monthly fertility cycles.
You will learn:
-To live in alignment with your monthly cycles.
-How your hormonal rhythm effects your energy, emotions and libido.
-What’s normal and healthy for your body.
-Anatomy of the amazing cervix.
-Ancient moon cycle wisdom.
-An introduction to charting fertility.
-An overview of birth control methods.
Lean to live in greater balance and flow as you uncover ancient wisdom for the modern woman.
Wear comfortable clothing and bring a notebook, pen and yoga mat.
The $45 investment includes detailed handouts with resources.
Register, Telluride Yoga Center, 970-729-1673.
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