25 Aug San Miguel Resource Center: Advocacy Training Coming Up Soon
The San Miguel Resource Center celebrates our 20th Anniversary this year. As your local non-profit working to end domestic violence and sexual assault, we have come a long way since 1993, when a small group of concerned community members created Tomboy House.
In its first year of existence, 28 clients were served. That number has grown to 221 in 2012. And we suspect will keep growing: in the first eight months of 2013, we have already reached the 2012 number. People are talking. They are breaking the silence. People are demanding an end to interpersonal violence in their lives and the lives of people around them.
The SMRC would not be able to serve our communities the intensely focused way we do without the dedication of our amazing team of volunteers. With over 100 trained advocates in our 20 years, we feel so fortunate to live in a place where people are involved and invested in ending domestic violence and sexual assault in our community. We at the Resource Center believe the work we do to empower and educate people to make positive change in their lives is essential to creating a more compassionate world. We invite you to join us in this work and be a part of the movement to create peace and compassion.
We offer a FREE, comprehensive education program that certifies people as Victim’s Advocates within the state of Colorado. Throughout the training, participants have the opportunity to learn from professionals who work in the fields of domestic violence, sexual assault, counseling, Social Services, law enforcement, the legal system, child advocacy centers, and much more. The program is an incredible educational opportunity to acquire skills applicable to any relationship in one’s life.
There is no time commitment once you complete the training and we work hard to make sure that you feel meaning in the volunteer work most comfortable for you. Many advocates go on to help answer crisis calls on our 24-hour Help Line, but there are other ways to use your skill set in the agency as well. This training is for you, and we want you to utilize the education in whatever way feels best.
In my almost two years as Advocate Manager here at the SMRC, I am continually amazed at the volunteers who join our team. The dedication, knowledge, skills and passion each person brings to the table enriches our organization and enhances the caliber of services we are able to offer to clients.
We encourage any and all to participate in the program, both men and women. As an agency we work with men, women, and children and believe that in order to end interpersonal violence, all humans need to be on board!
This fall training takes place September 4- September 25 2013, Monday and Wednesday nights, 6-9 p.m. There is one Saturday morning class on September 1.
We provide you with dinner each night and strive to make the training as informative and interactive as possible.
Please call me, Elly at 728-5660 for more information or to register or visit http://sanmiguelresourcecenter.org/volunteer/.
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