
Dr. Haley Perlus continues with tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” This week, Haley talks about five strategies to bounce back from injury with fast and efficient results. In your sport. And the advise also applies to hiccups in your life in general.   For anyone...

November 26 to December 3, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Jupiter  Evening: Saturn Here in America, Thanksgiving marks the traditional initiation of the holiday season. Of course, today we know the holidays really begin with Halloween. And so it is. Harvest festivals and celebrations of...

The Telluride Mountain Club & Jagged Edge Mountain Gear host Steve House for an Evening in Telluride, The event, hosted by is Tuesday, December 1. 6 p.m. Join the Telluride Mountain Club for an evening with Steve House and his Alpine Mentors program at Jagged Edge Mountain Gear...

If you have just opened your computer to check morning email, first cuppa at hand, that might be a very good thing for your health. Not the emails. The coffee. (But plan to have at least two more cups.) Huff Post food and health editor Kate Bratskeir spills...

November 19 to 26, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Jupiter  Evening: Saturn Once upon a time, in America, Thanksgiving marked the beginning of the holiday season. Of course, that was long, long ago. Today, ghosts and goblins, witches and pumpkins, devils and angels, broomsticks and...

Dr. Haley Perlus continues with tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” This week, Haley talks about how six little questions can help you achieve peak results. In your sport. In life. We have all heard that the best way to get results is to ignore...

A slew of scientific studies suggest that mindfulness meditation offers some pretty powerful holistic health benefits. But how exactly does this practice impact the brain? An article by Dr. Travis Bradberry on Linkedin,com/Pulse explains. There’s no shortage of advice out there claiming to make you better, but...

November 12 to 19, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Jupiter  Evening: Saturn As the Wheel of the Year turns in its shape-shifting seasons and changing cycles, we also transform. Magnificent autumn days are transcendent, we linger in the shimmering beauty of golden, blushing aspen or...