28 Nov ALACAZEM 2015.11.26
November 26 to December 3, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Jupiter Evening: Saturn
Here in America, Thanksgiving marks the traditional initiation of the holiday season. Of course, today we know the holidays really begin with Halloween. And so it is. Harvest festivals and celebrations of gratitude go hand in hand. Whether we are honoring the Mother Earth in all her seasonal beauty and bounty or the magical, mysterious realms of spirit, we as humans know our time here on Earth is short. Life is to be lived, experienced and embraced, come what may. And, thus, we celebrate our fate and fortune with the feasts and festivities of seasonal holidays, live life to the fullest and seize the day.
Moving from the magnificent blossoms of summer to the autumn fruits of our labor, we now find ourselves on the shimmering, glimmering road to Christmas. Holiday lights illuminate our path, buildings and walkways glitter and glow, Noel nights offer handmade crafts, sleigh bells ring and presents are given and received.
And Santa pops up everywhere. Yes. Jolly old Saint Nick has become a mascot for the “giving” season, after the Thanksgiving turkey, of course. (The turkey is also the Native American animal of the “give away” or potlatch, a ceremonial giving away of one’s personal possessions to the tribe). And with his outrageously generous spirit, Santa Claus-Saint Nicolas manufactures, gives away and hand delivers presents to every child on the planet – with his big bag of toys and wild, adventurous soul – he drives a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer all around and over the world – no matter what the weather – he’s a fitting icon for the happy enthusiasm, philanthropic generosity, courageous will and big-hearted nature of the Sagittarius spirit.
Happy Holidays and may your days and nights be filled with jolly laughs, fun adventures, good vibrations and plenty of giving and receiving. Blessings and peace, love, joy and lots of Ho, ho, ho!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) Pesky Uranus just won’t give up when it comes to making life interesting. Plenty of ups and downs, twists and turns, tests, trials and tribulations. But there is also amazing grace for those willing to face personal challenges with strength, integrity and self-honesty. This is a powerful, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to truly awaken and break through self-defeating patterns of darkness and denial. Step into the light.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) The last week of sweet Venus in Libra encourages plenty of work and service regarding others. You may find yourself doing just about everything and anything required when it comes to getting things done. Good news is that you are actually happy to do it. For some strange reason you now understand, and can enjoy, the benefits of giving without expectation. Well, almost. Equations always come into balance, eventually!
Gemini (May 20-June 20) With the Sun in happy-go-lucky Sagittarius, magnanimous Jupiter in service-oriented Virgo and ruler Venus in love and peace Libra, the stars align for a week of heartfelt joy and gratitude. The goodness of helping others and the magic of laughter illuminate a shining path of wellness and grace in a world of apparent chaos and insanity. This is all about personal strength and fortitude. Keep the faith, carry the light.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) You may find yourself getting a little crabby or impatient as planets align in a week of readjustment and regeneration. The give-away energy of Sagittarius does not always work well with close to home, heart and hearth Cancer. You are a collector, a keeper. Letting go does not come naturally. So now it’s time to give without expectation and trust the Universe. Create more space, yes, empty space!
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) With so many things to do and people to see, you are busy and bustling. Of course, you love the holiday hustle, the lure of shopping and the glimmer of giving and receiving. But this year, Jupiter in Virgo favors patience and discretion, a slower pace when it comes to spending and a more practical approach to gifting. Take your time. Also beware of romantic yearning as a theme. Go ahead, enjoy the dream.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Neptune in dreamy Pisces squares serious Saturn in over-the-top Sagittarius on Thanksgiving Day, leading the way for a week of fantasy-reality regarding relationships, family, home life and personal self. This is a transit that remains in orb through autumn 2016. Surrender and compassion are themes in the dissolution of structures and forms that no longer serve a higher purpose or sustain growth. Good luck!
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) The Sagittarius month moves you from self-absorbed purpose and focus to a place of higher purpose and world-view vision. You see the up-close-and-personal forest for the trees as well as a glistening horizon on the road of future possibilities. The golden key here is balance. Once again, you are called to do what comes naturally. Peace, patience, practice and perseverance will get you everywhere you want to go.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) As velvet Venus moves through the last degrees of neighboring Libra and prepares to enter Scorpio, take a personal inventory of peace. Inner and outer. Is there anyone or anything you want or need to make peace with? Dec. 4th marks the start of a 25-day period of grace, a time when stars align for favor in love and joyful camaraderie. Be sweet and kind to others as you find, feel and follow your heart.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Birthdays continue as candles are lit and cakes are cut. Enjoy celebrations of life and make sure you don’t dis the help! Others find you attractive, fun and full of fabulous ideas, but what about the dark side? Once and forever a warrior of spirit, it’s easy to get grumpy and disillusioned by the reality of life here on planet Earth. And yet, it’s a miracle. Embrace the mystery and live the magic. If not you, then who? You’ve got a job to do!
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Traveling a road less traveled, accepting responsibility when and where others cannot and showing up dressed and ready to go are just a few of the assets you bring to the proverbial table of Life. And with ruler Saturn in high-minded Sagittarius moving into square aspect with dreamy Neptune in Pisces, the stars align for a year of structured vision and dream manifestation. Use your imagination!
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Thanksgiving week is a time when you love getting together with friends, family and people sharing goals and common interests. Be sure to get out and about a bit, even if you have to leave a cozy, comfy casa in the process. Others have uplifting ideas and exciting aspirations to share and discuss. Inspiration is a mystical, magical, magnetic event and the ethers are ripe for harvest. Onward to the stars!
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The first of three exact squares of Saturn in Sag to Neptune in Pisces takes place on Thanksgiving Day and heralds a year of opportunity and challenge regarding personal creativity and dream manifestation. The function is one of ego dissolution and spiritual restructure, a prolonged period of self vs. non-self, a time to simultaneously embrace mortality and dance with the angels. For now, give thanks.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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