
Traveling anywhere by airplane, especially long-haul flights, can quickly drain the life out of anyone before even reaching the destination. Hours sitting in a confined space, flight delays, and bad food options don't help the situation. Rachel Brathen, a Swedish native and international yoga teacher resides in...

When it doesn’t snow for an elongated period in Telluride, there is an established and predictable set of emotional stages, not much different than the five stages of bereavement, that the local ski bum must endure. Although these stages have not yet been published in...

The Huff Post’s Alanna Vagianos posted this list of “21 Things Every Person Who Loves a Woman Should Know” in time for Valentine’s Day. Getting with the program would be a great gift. Knowing how to best show your love -- whether it's for a significant...

February 12 to 19, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn  Evening: Venus, Mars, Jupiter   The waning Moon rises in pre-dawn darkness all week, its shape more slender with each passing night. The starry blue-black canopy of deep space shimmers above, a sparkling canvas upon which...

Telluride is obsessed with its pets. Our four-legged friends are treated like members of the family. And Second Chance Humane Society, a no-kill shelter based in Ridgway, gets major support through this community at its Thrift Shop and then some. (Second Chance also posts weekly...

Telluride is oh so health conscious. Here, the word “organic” rhymes with “duh.” Going green goes without saying. But do we really know what the label “organic” means?  Emma Loewe is a senior at Duke University where she studies Environmental Science, English and Visual Media. She loves being...

February 5 to 12, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn   Evening: Venus, Mars The last week of Mercury retrograde is upon us and I can already feel the ruminating energy of directional planetary change. The snow has melted down here in the wild West End –...

What if someone told you being likeable is not just a lucky accident of great DNA? We are not necessarily hardwired for popularity. Dr. Travis Bradberry, co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and president of TalentSmart, claims like-ability matter of emotional intelligence. Read on for details. Too many people succumb to...

In 2012, bestselling author, National Geographic Fellow (and hottie) Dan Buettner spoke at Mountainfilm in Telluride. His subject, the blissful “Blue Zones”: places where cultures live longest and happiest, two separate universes, but with distinct overlaps. One common thread: being part of a community. On Superbowl...

January 29 to February 5, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn  Evening: Venus, Mars Revive, revitalize, recover, recuperate, rejuvenate, regenerate, refresh, recharge, replenish, reactivate, redesign, redefine, reassess, reorganize, research, remember, return… Periods of Mercury retrograde are actually some of my most productive times of the year. Instead...