
February 5 to 12, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn   Evening: Venus, Mars The last week of Mercury retrograde is upon us and I can already feel the ruminating energy of directional planetary change. The snow has melted down here in the wild West End –...

What if someone told you being likeable is not just a lucky accident of great DNA? We are not necessarily hardwired for popularity. Dr. Travis Bradberry, co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and president of TalentSmart, claims like-ability matter of emotional intelligence. Read on for details. Too many people succumb to...

In 2012, bestselling author, National Geographic Fellow (and hottie) Dan Buettner spoke at Mountainfilm in Telluride. His subject, the blissful “Blue Zones”: places where cultures live longest and happiest, two separate universes, but with distinct overlaps. One common thread: being part of a community. On Superbowl...

January 29 to February 5, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn  Evening: Venus, Mars Revive, revitalize, recover, recuperate, rejuvenate, regenerate, refresh, recharge, replenish, reactivate, redesign, redefine, reassess, reorganize, research, remember, return… Periods of Mercury retrograde are actually some of my most productive times of the year. Instead...

How a “regular person” talks about developing a regular yoga practice should give you some compelling reasons to attend the 8th annual Telluride Yoga Festival, which is offering over 100 classes, including meditation, yes, another thing a regular person with a busy brain can do. Also consider booking a...

If you are reading this post in the morning, a cuppa and doughnut at your fingertips, you may want to check out this blog by Cole Mellino that appeared in EcoWatch. We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the research...

Perhaps instead of ignoring our elders or pushing them into a corner (or worse, nursing homes), we should put them on soapboxes. Found this article by Nico Pitney in the Huffington Post offering wisdom from our elders enlightening, often surprising and very relevant. For example: worry...

January 22 to 29, 2015   Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn   Evening: Venus, Mars The January 20th New Moon took place at 0° Aquarius - the earliest possible degree – as the Sun and Moon aligned in symmetry to cross the celestial bridge from Capricorn into Aquarius,...

More compelling reasons to meditate by Leigh Weingus in the Huffington Post. Which should give you more compelling reasons to attend the 8th annual Telluride Yoga Festival, which is offering over 100 classes, including meditation. If you're one of those people who "just can't meditate," you may...

January 15 to 22, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn  Evening: Mercury, Venus, Mars It is always amazing to me how things happening here on Earth so closely align with what takes place in the heavens. Of course, I look for it to do so, and...