
Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival. This week Haley talks about failure and ways to cope in your sport, in business and in life. She hangs her argument on the words of JK Rowling, author of Harry Potter. About Dr. Haley...

Telluride Real Estate News twins with Robert Stenhammer, an associate broker with Telluride Real Estate Corp./Christie’s International Real Estate. With a BA in business, an MBA in hospitality and tourism, and over 20 years of experience in the fields, Robert’s expertise encompasses real estate, hotels, vacation...

Negative thinking. There is plenty of that going around. Not enough money. Not enough snow. Overweight. No partner. You are not enough. Oh, and the upcoming inauguration. But there are ways to conquer negative thinking. Lesley Alderman lines out a few in this New York Times...

Here’s the story on this year’s flu from Though reading it might make you, well, ill. But a possible antidote follows.  Coughing, aching, got a high fever and extreme fatigue? You could have the flu. Shortly before Christmas, labs across the country started to see more positive flu tests. That uptick is...

Most of us were raised to believe that giving to others is the generous and ethical thing to do. However, there are times when giving is not only inappropriate, it could be destructive for the recipient. Coming to someone’s aid is not always the best way...

Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival. This week Haley talks about symbolic imagery and PJ Fleck’s “row the boat” motivational strategy. About Dr. Haley Perlus: Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival, where this year she talked about...

A Telluride local, Dr. Paul Hokemeyer is an internationally recognized expert on treating the clinical issues that arise at the intersection of relationships and behavioral health.  (Scroll down for more on Dr. Paul.) Dr. Paul was recently interviewed by Carleen Wild in HeathZette about taking care of...

Resolution: a “decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner.”  The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions goes back to 153 B.C., when Janus, a mythical king, was placed at the beginning of the Roman calendar. Janus has two faces: one that looks...

Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival. This week Haley shares her resolution about New Year’s Resolutions. About Dr. Haley Perlus: Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival, where this year she talked about “The Psychology Behind Good Nutrition”...

The point of it all is to break down the headlines, the week’s most controversial issues, determine why a particular issue is important to you, and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story. By reading Cleo Abram’s The Short Version, you join a vibrant group of...