
The point of it all is to break down the headlines, determine why an issue is important and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story. In some of  the most recent iterations of The Short Version, Cleo Abram looked at the option of mandatory voting –...

Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival. All of us have bad hair days when our overall performance is poor. Sport psychology expert Dr. Haley Perlus shares a mental toughness tool to increase your concentration and get you focused on the present moment instead of past mistakes or...

Dr. George Pratt is a featured speaker at Telluride First Foundation’s 2nd annual Summit on Integrative Wellness at the Telluride Conference Center in Mountain Village. Other renowned presenters in the field of health and wellness are Dr. David Agus, Dr. Deepak Chopra (streaming live on Sunday), Dr. Marc Siegel,...

Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival. All of us have bad hair days when our overall performance is poor. Sport psychology expert Dr. Haley Perlus talks about how to get confident. One way: acknowledge the results. About Dr. Haley Perlus: Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at...

Dr. Alan Safdi was one of the most popular speakers at the Telluride First Foundation’s inaugural Integrative Wellness Summit. He is scheduled to speak again at the 2nd annual conference at the Telluride Conference Center in Mountain Village. The intensive takes place September 9 - 11 and also features Deepak Chopra (streaming live); Dr. David Agus; Dr. George...

Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival. All of us have bad hair days and our overall performance is poor. Sport psychology expert Dr. Haley Perlus talks about simple ways to turn bad performance on its head so you can move forward successfully.   About Dr. Haley Perlus: Dr. Haley Perlus...

Chris Crowley is a featured speaker at Telluride First Foundation’s 2nd annual Summit on Integrative Wellness, presenting with clinician, coach, and teacher of movement and specialist in orthopedic physical therapy Bill Fabrocini. Other renowned speakers in the field of health and wellness are Dr. Deepak Chopra (streaming...

Dr. Alan Safdi was one of the most popular speakers at the Telluride First Foundation’s inaugural Integrative Wellness Summit. He is scheduled to speak again at the 2nd annual conference at the Telluride Conference Center in Mountain Village. The intensive takes place September 9 - 11 and also features Deepak Chopra (streaming live); Dr. David Agus; Dr. George...

Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival. This week the sport psychology expert wraps up the Olympics. What separates the merely great from the greatest? Hint: Think mindset, heart, technique. And a willingness to do whatever they do again and again – while having...

Editor’s Note: Dr. Paul Hokemeyer is a part-time local, who lives and works in Manhattan, Malibu, and Telluride. He is a nationally recognized expert on Eastern philosophies, relationships, and emotional healing. A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, he holds a Ph.D in psychology, as well as a doctorate...