
The project was the brainchild of the Chief Paramedic of the Telluride Fire Protection District, Emil Sante, who enlisted the help of writer-producer Susan Lilly and documentary filmmaker Ken Bailey. The Telluride Fire Protection District produced a PSA (Public Service Announcement) about CPR and AEDs to...

I've been building a shed, trying to get it dried-in in the middle of all this rain. So, I've been thinking about shelter and refuge in the midst of life's storms. Where or what do we go to for refuge? Sometimes the refuges we choose...

                 July 31 to August 7, 2014 Visible planets: Morning:  Venus                 Evening: Mars, Saturn Here it is, the first week of August in southwestern Colorado. I see the first signs of impending autumn; a golden aspen here and there, blonde streaks and auburn tints in deep...

July 24 to 31, 2014  Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus         Evening: Mars, Saturn The Lion, the proud, courageous king – and queen - of beasts. What a perfectly appropriate symbol for the fixed fire sign of Leo, the 5th sign of the tropical zodiac, ruled...

Here are several excerpts for a post on the Spirit, Science and Metaphysics blog, 12 Little Known Laws of Karma That Will Change Your Life: What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have...

In a world where anything and everything is ripe for contention, I came across this story by Savannah Guthrie in Do you or a friend have a bun in the oven? Apparently people feel strongly about what pregnant women should wear. Gives a whole new meaning to...

July 17 to 24, 2014     Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus    Evening: Mars, Saturn Giant planet Jupiter, a.k.a. the Greater Benefic, moves from intuitive, feeling-oriented Cancer into creative, action-oriented Leo this week, ending its one-year transit through the zodiac’s first water sign. This event heralds a...

Here's a fun post from 'Surya' Angelique Shofar, the love, food & intimacy coach about the fine art of flirting: The truth is flirting is an art. And like art, it can be mastered. Flirting is an expression of the vibes, feelings and interaction between two people who are...