15 Aug ALACAZEM 2014.08.14
August 14 to 21, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Jupiter Evening: Mars, Saturn
This week we have the awesome opportunity to view giant planet Jupiter and sister-to-earth planet Venus come together in a super-tight conjunction in the predawn eastern sky. This unusually close pairing of the third [Venus] and fourth [Jupiter] brightest celestial objects – the Sun and Moon rate first and second – in our solar system takes place on Monday morning, August 18th, but watching these two magnificently bright planets pair up and dance on the mornings before and after that date promises to be a starwatcher’s delight. And for people with megazoom digital cameras – especially professional and amateur astronomers – it’s a veritable photo-optic dream.
There is nothing like witnessing the stellar beauty and grace of our ever-evolving Universe. It often happens by chance and with little effort. Other times we have to work for it, get up early or stay up late. And this is one of those times. For those of us willing to rise in darkness before dawn, in a hopefully cozy place where we have an unobstructed view of the northeastern horizon, it will be a very starry sky. Enjoy the show.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) Venus and Jupiter conjunct in dramatic Leo – your solar 5th house of romance – on Aug. 17th in a wildfire of passion and desire. Love and creativity are themes as flames of love flicker in the embers of heart and soul. Experience the power and peace of acceptance as you cultivate compassion for yourself and others. Life is a miracle, enjoy the joy.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) You need not go far to find love and happiness this week as voluptuous Venus and jovial Jupiter join force in your solar 4th house of home and family. Take a deep breath and look around you. The world is a magnificent, magical place, full of mystery and miracles. Open your heart to the multi-faceted jewels of potential in our ever-expanding Universe.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Leo symbolizes the expression of our individual light, the creative force and the divine spark within us all. Venus is love and beauty; Jupiter is the courageous, open heart of spirit. As all three energies come together in your solar 3rd house of perception and definition, you may see and feel the world as you have never seen or felt it. Magic is real, embrace it.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) All things are possible, especially when it comes to love. And love is in the heart. The heart is where we find our compassion, acceptance, joy, passion and desire. Here we also feel pain, sorrow and loss. Life is a rich tapestry of experience; the road winds through valleys and ascends peaks. Embrace the fullness of it all; count your blessings, live the journey.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) Voluptuous Venus, now in Leo, embraces jovial giant Jupiter and opens your heart to the magnanimous power of love, in every size, shape and form. Your world glistens and glows with beauty, art and romance, igniting the creative spirit and expanding consciousness beyond physical, material limits. How did you get so lucky? Smile, laugh, and enjoy the joy!
Virgo(Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Metaphysical Mercury moves into Virgo this week for a quick, two-week stay, stimulating thought and prompting communication. Be open to new ideas and perceptions, think out of the box. The Universe seeks resolution and every problem can be solved, eventually. Patience and perseverance are allies. Ask your angels and trust what comes.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) The two planetary “benefics” – Venus and Jupiter – join force in lion-hearted Leo, your solar 11th house of hopes and dreams, friends and fellowships. This portends a week of inspirational experience and far-reaching effects. Keep your feet on the ground, eyes to the skies and heart wide open as you move through the magic and mystery of life.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) With Mars moving ever-closer to its conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on Aug. 25th, you may feel more motivated than ever to focus on and accomplish your goals. And with sweet Venus and good-luck Jupiter together in your solar 10th house of achievement and recognition, the stars are aligned for success. Feel the gratitude, embrace the grace.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Travel and exploration with sweet, attractive partners brings great pleasure and mind-expanding enlightenment to those willing to hit the road and follow the signs. Distant horizons and faraway places beckon discovery, it’s time for new vistas and higher perspectives. Release expectations; open your mind and heart to goodness. Enjoy the ride.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Romantic Venus has recently entered Leo to join the Sun and Jupiter there, turning up the heat and increasing the intensity of intimate pairings and sharings. Whether it’s sexual, emotional, financial, physical, psychological or mental, you can expect the dial to peg on passionate. Embrace spirit and focus on heartfelt love, peace and joy. Practice kindness.
Aquarius(Jan. 19-Feb. 18) The last week of the Leo zodiac month comes on an embracing, gentle breeze of passion, hope and inspiration. Sweet, romantic Venus and generous giant Jupiter unite in a dance of open-minded, openhearted trust, faith and love this week. Good things come via sharing and pairing; be calm, gentle and kind. Smile and laugh. Give and you shall receive.
Pisces(Feb. 18-Mar. 20) You may discover a diet, health routine or exciting way in which to enhance your life and self this week as expansive, enlightened Jupiter joins hands with beauty-loving Venus in your solar 6th house of self-improvement. Remain open to higher-self spiritual practice and physically relaxing routines of exercise, such as meditation and yoga.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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