
  April 5 to 12, 2012     Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter Full Moons bring light to darkness, illuminating what we need to see, what may lie hidden and, at other times, is simply out of sight. The celestial opposition of the Sun and...

Editor's Note: Dr. Hokemeyer is a nationally recognized expert on Eastern philosophies, relationships, and emotional healing. He is also a part-time Telluride local. His column, Shrink Rap, appears regularly on Telluride Inside… and Out. (For more on his background, go to Our Writers.) This article...

It’s easy to start the New Year, all high hopes and promises. That well-intentioned vow to “exercise daily” becomes “on the weekend, but I’ll always take the stairs." Before it’s time to set your clocks ahead you’re back to where you started. Nowhere great. This year...

March 29 to April 5, 2012   Visible Planets: Saturn  Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter Last week I wrote about retrograde planets and how, this year, spring - although it has definitely sprung - is feeling less wild, reckless and impatient than usual. The primal thrust of...

Spring accessories are floral and futuristic and feature radiant hues. That's what's – literally – hot. I am talking about neon pinks, fiery oranges, and bright corals heating up handbags, jeans, stilettos and wedges. Then there is make-up, where lipstick's most iconic color, a range...

We've all had moments of vertigo when peering over a run in Black Iron Bowl. But if you're consistently feeling dizzy, there may be more at stake. Telluride Medical Center Emergency Room Physician Paul Koelliker, MD, explains vertigo, the signs, and when to seek help. Dr....

    Last week, I wrote about the “spiritual revolution” as described by religious scholars Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead, philosopher Charles Taylor, and psychoanalyst David Tacey. I posed the question: Is the current turn toward subjectivity and inner experience is expressive of anything more than...

As you're driving around the Colorado mountains this spring, you may have to slow down as the road becomes over powered by cattle. Each spring, cattleman prod their livestock from the low valleys to  higher mountain pasture. And, even in the age of  electric cars...

March 22 to 30, 2012       Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter The Lure of Conquest & the Eternal Battle of Cosmic vs. Personal Will The Aries new Moon of March 22nd initiates the first lunar cycle of the natural zodiac year. Following quickly...

As we shed layers and enjoyed 54-degree weather last week, folks started dreaming of summer, green plants, and gardens. Of course, the warm, sunny days didn’t last – and that’s okay too. We need the snow pack for the end of the ski season –...