
In July 2010 a group of red-robed monks from the Gaden Shartse Monastery unpacked their cymbals and longhorns on the grass in front of Ophir Town Hall and blessed the whole valley with their eerie chanting and music. Last year, they returned to create an...

May 3 to 10, 2012         Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury  Evening: Venus, Mars and Saturn This week we witness and experience the fruition of the Taurus/Scorpio full Moon – frequently classified as the “sexiest, most fertile and seductive lunation of the year. Spring has sprung, the...

April 26 to May 2, 2012     Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury  Evening: Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn It’s off-season in Telluride and that means a long-needed and well-deserved break for everyone in San Miguel and Montrose County. Let’s face it, whether it’s actual employment or Reagan’s infamous...

April 19 to 26, 2012                  Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn      Evening: Mars, Venus and Jupiter “Taurus teaches us that there are two ways to be rich: One is to have what you want and the other is to want what you have.”  -   Stephanie Austin Ahhhh, Taurus –...

    April 12 to 19, 2012       Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Mars, Venus and Jupiter I’ve been writing on and off about the rather muted energy of spring this year. Normally springtime runs rampant with primal passion and devilish desire. The emerging life force of the tropical...

Editor's Note: Reverend Pat Bailey of Telluride's Christ Presbyterian Church gives TIO readers a bird's eye view of the ideas he is exploring in his PhD thesis. You can use Comments to express your point of view about the questions he poses at the end...

  April 5 to 12, 2012     Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter Full Moons bring light to darkness, illuminating what we need to see, what may lie hidden and, at other times, is simply out of sight. The celestial opposition of the Sun and...

Editor's Note: Dr. Hokemeyer is a nationally recognized expert on Eastern philosophies, relationships, and emotional healing. He is also a part-time Telluride local. His column, Shrink Rap, appears regularly on Telluride Inside… and Out. (For more on his background, go to Our Writers.) This article...

It’s easy to start the New Year, all high hopes and promises. That well-intentioned vow to “exercise daily” becomes “on the weekend, but I’ll always take the stairs." Before it’s time to set your clocks ahead you’re back to where you started. Nowhere great. This year...

March 29 to April 5, 2012   Visible Planets: Saturn  Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter Last week I wrote about retrograde planets and how, this year, spring - although it has definitely sprung - is feeling less wild, reckless and impatient than usual. The primal thrust of...