
February 24 to March 3, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

Happy 60th Birthday and the Gifts of Grace

RZBdayMoon My husband, Richard, celebrated his 60th year on planet Earth last Feb. 17th under a full Moon, in front of a raging bonfire on the beach at Boca del Solado, Baja California Sur, Mexico. It was an evening made in heaven and blessed by the gods, the weather superb and the company divine. Two of his three brothers and their women made the trek; we had a celebrity guest of honor and his wife, along with some new gringo friends and four soldiers from the Mexican Army.

I had wondered for months how this milestone party would come off. Inviting friends and family to the tip of the Baja Peninsula to celebrate a birthday – 60 or otherwise – is something that doesn’t result in a lot of takers. Early on it looked like we might have a rather large group, but in the end, the number came to ten – not including the Mexican army, of course!  And so it was, intimate, and so, so sweet!

February 17 to 24, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus  Evening: Jupiter

Radical Breakthroughs and Revolutionary Awakenings

MermaidStones A rather unusual planetary gathering takes place this week in the late degrees of air Aquarius. The early hours of February 18th bring us the fruition of the February 2nd Candelmas/Groundhog Day/Chinese Lunar Year New Moon at 29º Leo/Aquarius. Then, during the afternoon and early evening of February 20th, Mercury, Mars and Neptune conjoin at 28º Aquarius, delivering an extra-powerful cosmic punch of the characteristically unpredictable and enigmatic Aquarian energy that often manifests in a snap-crackle-pop kind of way, resulting in radical breakthroughs and revolutionary awakenings. You may suddenly perceive the world differently, as if you are looking for the first time through a multi-dimensional lens of colliding colors and depths, allowing you to really see. Other people and relationships – social and intellectual connections – play starring roles in the pantheon of energy, experience and information that presents itself this week. We are being asked to combine intuition and compassion with intelligence and emotional detachment when it comes to anything and everything involving ego, self will and self-importance – yours or anyone else’s. This is a highly evolved and difficult to negotiate assignment that must be taken with an open mind, a courageous heart and a healthy dose of humility. Otherwise, we may find ourselves dazed, confused, hurt and humiliated, raging at the wind or angry at the world.

February 10 to 17, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

Aquarian Self-Awareness and Self-Knowledge

Aquarius As we move through the last week of Aquarius and venture ever closer to spring, solar rays become more direct and days grow longer.  We have passed the February mid-winter cross-quarter mark and drift toward Pisces, the final zodiac month of the natural tropical year. Seeds of hope and inspiration float upon proverbial horizons, we are being awakened to metaphorical ends and new beginnings. It’s time to look up and all around us, check in with what’s going on inside and outside, step out of the past, embrace the present and center ourselves in self-awareness.

The World Self-awareness gives birth to self-knowledge and self-knowledge awakens our personal power, an unremitting ally in the spiritual warrior’s journey on the path of heart and soul. And the fixed-air sign of Aquarius is all about knowledge, spirit and heart. It’s the archetype of the individual in the collective, the unique contribution that each one of us gives to the whole - the unusual idea, the special gift, the act of kindness or the endearing art of friendship. Loyalty, camaraderie and fellowship are Aquarian ideals; revolution, rebellion and invention are its means. In this wild and wacky world, with Uranian change as an ever-constant companion, let us be blessed with the enlightened detachment and inspirational heart of the Waterbearer. Surround yourself with people, places and things that inspire and uplift your spirit and strengthen your resolve to make yourself and this Earth a happier, healthier place in which to live and grow. May peace, love and joy be our friends and companions, the sun, moon and planets our guides and the ever-expanding possibilities of the ever-expanding universe be the numinous amniotic waters in which we birth our dreams.

Jacket Close #1-1 Valentine’s Day is drawing near. If we’re in a romantic relationship, the thought of the day is cause for happiness.  If we are solo, however, the approaching holiday can make us feel lonely and sad. The truth of the matter is this: when we believe happiness is attached to something or someone outside ourselves, we are setting ourselves up for a big downer. This year, avoid the set-up. Make love to yourself.

As a psychotherapist who helps free people from unhealthy relationships, substances, and behaviors, I see how frequently  emotional and physical pain are caused by an attachment to any number of delusions. We think of a shot of vodka or piece of chocolate cake, for example, as sources of comfort. And while alcohol and sugar can make us feel great in the moment, the feeling is fleeting: in the long run, substances like these diminish our capacity to lovingly connect to our minds and bodies. They distract from a meaningful spiritual existence.

February 3 to 10, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

Off Road Races and Chinese New Year of the Rabbit

BajaRed Last week I watched a preliminary running of the Baja 1000 – a famous off road race that takes place each year in the rugged deserts of Baja California, Mexico. We had motorcycles, ATVs, trucks and dune buggies cruising past our casa at breakneck speeds in the attempt to garner points to qualify for the ultimate day of racing competition. Mexican families and curious gringos lined the bumpy, washboard dirt road, giving drivers thumbs-ups, sharing laughter and making big eyes when a vehicle slid sideways or caught big air. From the pila up on the hill, we could see a wide expanse of the course winding its way along the coast, over hills and down arroyos, dirt rising like plumes of smoke in the distance as the racers traveled closer. Standing on the road, dust flew and metal rattled, tires gripped and drivers bounced, waving to the crowd as they passed by. The day was hot and sunny, the entertainment superbly macho.

[click "Play" to hear Susan's conversation with Dr. Paul Hokemeyer]


Jacket Close #1-1 Telluride Inside... and Out is pleased to announce the launch of a bi-monthly column focusing on relationships. "Shrink Rap" features part-time Telluride local Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, JD, PhD.

Dr. Hokemeyer is a nationally recognized expert on Eastern philosophies, relationships, and emotional healing. A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, he holds a PhD in psychology, as well as a doctorate in the law. A part-time Telluride resident, Dr. Hokemeyer is based in the New York City office of the Caron Treatment Centers. He is also a weekly contributor to "The Dr. Oz Show," CNN’s "Headline News," and other media outlets, including "Good Morning America," "truTV," and "Oprah Radio."

January 27 to February 3, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

The Tropical vs. the Sideral Zodiac

Sun&planets Last week I addressed the media whoopla and collective attention concerning what is generally known as one’s “sun sign” – the astrological identity we are given according to our day and time of birth.  Word on the street has it that due to some recent scientific discoveries, we have to “change” our sun sign. If you’re wondering about this, check out my column last week on either my website @ or the astrology page @ You’ll find a brief explanation of the difference between the astrological Tropical Zodiac used in the Western world and the fixed star Sidereal Zodiac, used in Vedic astrology, which is practiced in India and much of the Far East. But, this week I’d like to address something I’ve also been asked about a lot lately - a mysterious 13th “sign” - a “new” constellation that “really screws everything up” and “changes the zodiac” even more, causing one’s astrological sign to be even further off kilter and, according to the good ol’ word-on-the-street, even more irrelevant.

January 20 to 27, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

Having An Astrological Identity Crisis?

Universe_man Last week I received several emails – including one from my TIO editor – asking me about the recent whoopla – apparently started or, at the very least, generated on Facebook – about astrological signs. “What’s going on? Am I really now a Leo instead of a Virgo? I like my astrological sign! I don’t want to be a Capricorn! I won’t do it! What should I do? What am I?” Indignation, confusion and disbelief – just a few of the emotions I’ve encountered since whatever happened, happened. The ethers have been bombarded with doubt. The validity and accuracy of astrology – our favorite “occult science” - is once again in question. And now, here I am down in Baja California, Mexico, no longer a recipient of in-house Internet, thinking just how much I’d like to log on to the New York Times and read the article I heard was published about this broohaha just days ago. Oh, well, crashing waves and swaying palms, what can I say?

January 13 to 20, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

The Inner Wisdom and Practical App of the Capricorn Full Moon

Capricorn As we reach the mid-point of January and the last week of Capricorn, holiday magic and mayhem flickers and fades. The last Christmas decorations are taken down and put in boxes, packed away for another year. Winter solstice has come and gone, the days have grown slightly longer and poco a poco - little by little - we inch our way toward spring.

This is a time of resurrection and redemption, even as we face the daily chores and realities of our finite, 3D lives. Waning Capricorn prepares us for the inspirational, vital charge of Aquarius – new ideas, new hopes and dreams – and requires a practical, realistic assessment of where and who we are, what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. Physical and material worlds must be addressed - our bodies, our finances - our actual physical health and material security.

January 6 to 13, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

The Power of Potential and the Big Dream of 2011

Lunar-eclipse-liz-230x200 I’m always impressed by the difference between the energies of the New and Full Moons of each lunar month – especially during eclipse cycles. For me – and everyone I’ve talked to who witnessed it – the recent winter solstice total lunar eclipse was packed with an unbridled cosmic power that seemed to connect and resonate throughout both the celestial and individual body and soul. It was difficult, if not impossible, to pass unnoticed due to the plethora of media coverage, and of course, word-of-mouth, on the street shuck and jive. I, personally, was able to watch the event from my rooftop deck on a foam pad with blankets and a pillow, dozing and watching on-and-off in supreme comfort and bliss. Lucky me. I’ll never forget it! The Moon was directly above us at midnight here on the Tropic of Cancer, unbelievable! But, then, I’m an astrologer and I deserve it, right? Right!