Alacazem 2010.02.24
February 24 to March 3, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Saturn Evening: Jupiter
Happy 60th Birthday and the Gifts of Grace
My husband, Richard, celebrated his 60th year on planet Earth last Feb. 17th under a full Moon, in front of a raging bonfire on the beach at Boca del Solado, Baja California Sur, Mexico. It was an evening made in heaven and blessed by the gods, the weather superb and the company divine. Two of his three brothers and their women made the trek; we had a celebrity guest of honor and his wife, along with some new gringo friends and four soldiers from the Mexican Army.
I had wondered for months how this milestone party would come off. Inviting friends and family to the tip of the Baja Peninsula to celebrate a birthday – 60 or otherwise – is something that doesn’t result in a lot of takers. Early on it looked like we might have a rather large group, but in the end, the number came to ten – not including the Mexican army, of course! And so it was, intimate, and so, so sweet!