Alacazem 2010.02.24

Alacazem 2010.02.24

February 24 to March 3, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

Happy 60th Birthday and the Gifts of Grace

RZBdayMoon My husband, Richard, celebrated his 60th year on planet Earth last Feb. 17th under a full Moon, in front of a raging bonfire on the beach at Boca del Solado, Baja California Sur, Mexico. It was an evening made in heaven and blessed by the gods, the weather superb and the company divine. Two of his three brothers and their women made the trek; we had a celebrity guest of honor and his wife, along with some new gringo friends and four soldiers from the Mexican Army.

I had wondered for months how this milestone party would come off. Inviting friends and family to the tip of the Baja Peninsula to celebrate a birthday – 60 or otherwise – is something that doesn’t result in a lot of takers. Early on it looked like we might have a rather large group, but in the end, the number came to ten – not including the Mexican army, of course!  And so it was, intimate, and so, so sweet!

3Brothers And, que buena suerte! – what good luck we had! The wind stopped on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, when we all – three big labs included – drove first to San Lucas for breakfast at The Office and then San Jose del Cabo, to pick up the dark chocolate mousse cake I’d ordered at the French Riviera – a gourmet bakery shop there – for the big event. The thermometer hit 88º on the way home, but it was fabulous. After all, isn’t that what we’re hunting down here in winter? The next day dawned calm and muy tranquilo, delivered plenty of heat and was topped with a glassy, bathtub-like crystalline turquoise sea, magnificent for swimming. A true, fleeting glimpse of paradise for the birthday boy and his companeros, a veritable gift of grace from the Great Mystery. The Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sun and Great Spirit danced with us, touching our hearts with their laughter and soothing our souls with their love. And together, singing the magic songs of night and day, sand and sea, moonlight and starlight, we heard celestial music and the harmony of the spheres.

PurpleMoon Up above, in the heavens, Mars, Mercury, Neptune and the Full Moon/Sun opposition conjoined at the exact degree of my husband’s birth sign in late Aquarius – destiny at its best. Everything and nothing, here and there, everywhere – wherever we were – I’m sure it would have been the same. The awesome, humbling present of divine grace, for which we are grateful, humbled and blessed. Here’s to another revolution around the Sun. Happy Birthday, Ricardo!

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
With the Sun, Mercury and Mars now in numinous Pisces, you may be yearning for some peace and quiet, but find yourself in the middle of a very active week. Use the hubbub and hoorah as a mirror of internal looking and spiritual awakening. This is a very special time of year when heart and soul calm down, seek peace and are nurtured by tranquility.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
The Pisces zodiac month is one of relative inspiration and hope for the Bull. Other people and places call out for attention and interaction. Seek out friends, groups, associates or associations that uplift your spirit or fortify good intentions. Compassion and kindness are golden keys to your happiness and serenity now. Cultivate inner peace and outer calm.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
With ruler Mercury now in mystical Pisces, along with Mars and the Sun, thoughts and desires turn toward the metaphysical and divine. You may feel the desire to transcend finite reality or yearn for a more idealistic world. This is a time of intuitive creativity, when images, information and inspiration come more via fantasy and dreaming than rational thinking.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Jovial Jupiter in Aries squares passionate Pluto in Capricorn in a battle of wills, placing personal professional agendas in a position of compromise and challenge. Governmental, social or generational power may put pressure on or deny access to immediate gratification. Good luck follows consistency, however, so stick with the program. Stay cool and calm.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
The focus on one-to-one relating and shared responsibility deepens as you consider stronger commitment and intimacy. Whether it’s romantic, financial, business or friendship, remember that partnership is a potential risky step in any situation or scenario. Use intuition, truth and honesty as tools and be sure to read the fine print before signing up.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
With the Sun now above the astrological horizon of your solar chart, you may be feeling more social than you have in months. Get out and explore your world and neighborhood. Established relationships are in line for expansion and growth, travel with companions to places you’ve never been and share the magic of discovery. Keep your eyes and mind open.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
As Saturn continues to retrograde through the middle degrees of your sign, you may be feeling more serious and realistic than you have in years. Commitment is a magical tool when used with focus and desire. Continue to work on creative, artistic projects via self-discipline and diligence. Patience is a virtue and perseverance furthers.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Dreamy, steamy Pisces energy harmonizes and supports the profound depth and intensity of Scorpio, uplifting the spirit and fueling desire. Creativity and personal programs of self-improvement are favored as matters of love and romance take center stage and you want to be and look your best. Smile and count your blessings, for you are blessed!

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Home, family and personal behavior patterns are focused upon as the transiting Pisces sun illuminates your solar 4th house of origins and foundations. You may feel or act like a child, parent a parent or simply examine childhood patterns and history. Whatever the manifestation, take good care of you and your loved ones, self nurture and nourish.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Giant planet Jupiter squares puny but powerful Pluto in your sign this week, challenging personal desires and agendas. The great gift here comes via faith and optimism. Think positive and cultivate attitudes of gratitude. The universe provides you with everything you could ever want. If you need something, just look around and you’ll find it.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
As you take the first steps in your persona
l solar year, recognize the awesome power of choice. What you think, what you say and what you do is ultimately a choice and responsibility. By cultivating personal awareness and taking daily inventories, it’s possible and probable to significantly improve happiness, health and wealth. Stay awake and be aware.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Happy birthday month to compassionate, creative, intuitive Fish! It’s your time to shimmer and shine. With Jupiter’s recent transit through Pisces, you should be feeling good and reaping the benefits of a year full of exploration, expansion and growth. Take some time to check in with your heart, feel your feelings and move forward with confidence and courage.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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