Alacazem 2011.06.02
June 2 to 9, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter Evening: Saturn
"It’s another new moon: when the magically minded make wishes and astrologers attempt to divine this cycle’s intentions. But fates are personal. Even if a new moon chart could be forced to describe them all, no single astrologer could tell that many stories…"
Dana Gerhardt @
I always pay attention to what happens to me and how I feel at the time of solar and lunar eclipses. Prophetic, ominous, auspicious or propitious, whatever the adjective, the bottom line is this: Awareness is the golden key for unlocking the mystery, magic and magnificence of eclipses. With awareness, we tap in to both the subtle and obvious, ingest the physical and metaphysical; discern, interpret and intuit.
Last week I had the great good fortune to attend the West End edition of the Talking Gourd at the Livery in downtown Norwood. The featured speaker was Amy Irvine, author of Trespass, the highly acclaimed memoir of a courageous, half-crazed coyote woman “living at the edge of the promised land” – a book of love and loss, longing and belonging in the redrock spires and pink sand washes of southern Utah. Her presentation was focused on her current work-in-progress, Terra Firma, woven together with threads of Mother Earth and Father Sky, evocative dreams and devilish demons, sacred space colliding with uncertain territory. It was a rather mystical experience, for me, the beginning of a shamanistic quest. I could feel it in my bones. The eclipse window opened, and I jumped right in.