Alacazem 2011.05.05

Alacazem 2011.05.05

May 5 to 12, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn

“It is known that all bodies such as the Sun and its satellites are charged bodies and are surrounded by a magnetic field. In any magnetic body having two poles (the Sun and its satellites are such bodies), the magnetic currents circulate from the north to the south pole, become neutral at each 90 degrees and reach a maximum intensity at each 45 degrees.”
    T.O. McGrath in his book Timing Business Activity and the Sun

Astro Wheel One of the year’s four cross-quarter days – days halfway between the solstices and equinoxes – takes place this week on May 5th @ 15º Taurus – Cinco de Mayo. In the Northern Hemisphere this marks the midpoint of our seasonal spring. In the neo-pagan year it heralds the beginning of summer. The Celtic calendar honors this time with the holiday of Beltane, one of the eight fire festivals of their year. In all cases and calendars, it is a time of fertility, celebration and reverence for the Mother Earth. The sleeping seeds and dormant life of winter’s slumber, awakened by the primal thrust of early springtime, nurtured by melting snows and sleeting rain, have taken root and are sprouting with renewed vigor and fresh life. 

May Day and maypoles, Mother’s Day and a plethora of flowers, brunches and cards are what we associate with the first week of May in America today. Garden centers are busy and gardeners are out in their gardens, cleaning, raking, tilling and planting. We touch the soil, breathe the air and feel the energetic magnitude of this powerfully charged point in our seasonal solar year, whether we realize it consciously or not. We are electromagnetic bodies and are subject – as are all electromagnetic bodies – to the push and pull of electromagnetism. And the point of maximum electromagnetic intensity in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun takes place when the Earth is exactly halfway through the zodiac signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, on the four cross-quarter days of the natural year. This is when the Earth and Sun are at the point of 45º maximum intensity in relation to each other and the Earth/Sun is at 15º in the fixed signs of the Tropical Zodiac.

Taurus So as we wind our way through this cross-quarter week, let us take note of the ebb and flow, ups and downs, highs and lows of our emotions and feelings. Let’s take a good look at our life circumstances, material realities and physical conditions of our immediate environment – including our bodies, possessions and living quarters. This is a powerful turning point in our year, when we can actually feel and heal via the curative natural forces of the Mother Earth. Here’s to the calm, patient, nurturing power of the Taurus Bull. May we find those greening pastures upon which to graze…

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
The Sun shines light on personal responsibility and all matters of self-control. Two exponentially valuable words today are these: “my part.” Once you accept responsibility for and understand the importance of the part you play in every single relationship, condition and facet of your life, you stand ready to initiate and impact positive change.  Take a look.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
The recent New Moon in your sign initiates a lunar month of great significance in your yearly cycle around the Sun. Body, mind and spirit come together in a dance of heart and soul. Planetary power in your solar 12th house of karmic retribution continues to pull you backwards through the past. Ask your angels for guidance and direction and go forth.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Friends, fellowships, associations and organizations – contacts with people you respect and admire – fuel creative fires and spark inspiration. Understand the power of the present and live fully in the now. Identify personal desires, focusing on good intention and right action. Old problems must be solved with new energy. Seek out fresh terrain.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Career direction and professionally related or generated activities continue as themes this week as the Sun shines new light on your personal hopes and dreams. As you consider major life change, also consider who and what types of influences most support and encourage the manifestation of your ideals. Listen to intuition and take the high road.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Mental and spiritual engines combust as five planets in fire ignite and inspire exploration and discovery. Travel, foreign culture, philosophy and religion provide fuel for altruistic, idealistic acts. Libraries, museums and universities hold keys to enlightenment while natural environments expose you to true life experience. It’s all a quest. Seek and you shall find.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
The earthy fertility of the Taurus lunar cycle promises reward to those who touch the earth, till the soil, plant the seed and commit to nurturing sustenance and growth. Connect to the abundant beauty and resource of the Mother Earth and immerse yourself in her ultimate power. Rest, relaxation and renewal are themes for wellness now. Balance is the key.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
The patient and persevering qualities of transiting Saturn in Libra are currently competing against the quick-to-act, impulsive instincts of several planets in Mars-ruled Aries. In the process, you may feel the push and pull of anger and impatience as it interfaces with the more realistic, practical nature of what is. Acceptance is the answer and inner peace the key.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
As the Sun and Moon conjoin in earthy, sensual Taurus and the lunar month begins, take note of the people and places to which you are committed. Recognizing your part in your relationships and accepting responsibility for it are keys to self-empowerment, happiness and freedom. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Sparks fly and fires ignite as self-fueled agendas snap, crackle and pop. As a lover of life and an advocate for justice, you may find yourself caught up in heart-centered behaviors and causes. Simply do your best to find the truth and support progress in the awakening of the world. A lunar month of self-improvement has begun. Be good, stay in the light.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Ego displays, anger and/or motivation come by way of the personal and familiar. Family, home and immediate environment factor highly in your daily equation of activity, concern and welfare. Do the best you can in all matters of relationship. Focus on the beneficial aspects of your situation; cultivate attitudes of gratitude and work to initiate positive change.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Springtime excites the spirit and stimulates movement in the physical and mental bodies. Thoughts and ideas abound as you find yourself busy and active, pursuing plans and building new actual a
nd metaphorical structures at home and immediate environment. Maintain a sense of calm and practice patience as you move forward, one step and one day at a time.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Personal responsibility for your choices and actions is huge this week and month as planetary power in your solar 2nd house of physical and material security tends toward the stable, tried and true. Fear-based decisions are not encouraged, but neither are hasty, impulsive ones. Take your time to make up your mind, using heart and soul to guide your path.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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