Alacazem 2011.08.18
August 18 to 25, 2011 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Jupiter Evening: Saturn
The Edge of Precipice Between the Natural and Virtual Worlds
Lately I’ve been noticing the radical edge of precipice where the natural world meets up with the one we have come to know as the virtual world. One we can touch, feel and smell, even eat. It sustains us physically and provides us with food, materials for shelter and clothing, gifts us with rain, sunsets and seasons. The other we view with our eyes and experience with our brains. Via information, imagery and mental perception, we travel to places and spaces that could previously be accessed only through art, imagination or magic. Today it’s the invisible land of business and commerce, social and professional networking, communication and education. The World Wide Web – the spider’s web of Native American prophecies, the predicted Aquarian Age of information, technology and knowledge – all in a wink, all with a click. Evolution and revolution, together in the here and now, clashing and slashing in a contest of what’s real and what is not.