Alacazem 2010.08.12
Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter Evening: Venus, Mars and Saturn
The Perseid Meteor Shower peaks on the night of Aug. 12th/13th and I can hardly believe it. This perennial stellar event heralds, for me, the beginning of the end of summer – and I’m definitely in denial!
The Eternal Heart-Flame of Life after Life and Love after Love

Leo is a love sign. It’s all about loving life, embracing and living it, holding it tight, close to the heart. It’s hugging the people we love, kissing our babies, showing affection for others and demonstrating heartfelt emotions. It’s the creative force and power of creation. It’s the creative spark, the goddess within, dancing divas and magical beings, flamboyant fairies and laughing lions. It’s imagination, art and romance. It’s however, wherever and whenever we experience the primal power of Heart - our own life force, our personal truth, self-will and ego - our individual connection to the Divine - in all its mystery and magnificence – in the moment, in the now, in the burning fire of the present.