Alacazem 2010.12.30
December 30 to January 6, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn Evening: Jupiter
Feliz Ano Nuevo & Happy New Year 2011
Well, here it is, the end of another calendar year, another revolution around the Sun. The high-minded, altruistic energy of Sagittarius has morphed into the more traditional, practical-minded energy of Capricorn. We face the finite reality of Christmas costs and spending, look at credit card charges for gifts and holiday travel expenses, gather our wits and prepare for the last blast of New Year’s Eve.
Today, I’m living in a beachside palapa on the Sea of Cortez, whales spout and fish jump, the ocean breeze cools the hot Mexico sun to temperatures in the 70’s. Back home I hear of abundant snowfall in the Rockies, but that Telluride is still waiting for their first big dump. I know well the call of the mountains, the pristine white of first tracks and the magical sparkle of snowflakes glistening in the slanting solstice sun. Years ago, my husband and I migrated to southern Baja for the winter and made a quiet little village on the East Cape our home. Snorkeling replaced moguls, fresh-caught tuna replaced homegrown elk, salsa replaced ketchup and Pacifico replaced Coors. In those days, we christened the New Year with Christmas lights on cactus, tortillas, shrimp and fireworks, bonfires on the beach, cassette tapes from home and the sweet guitars of the Mexican pescadores – fishermen – our new amigos and compadres.