Alacazem 2010.11.18
November 18 to 25, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Saturn Evening: Mercury, Mars and Jupiter
Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon: Gifts of Gratitude and Grace
I don’t know how many of you get up early enough to see the magnificently brilliant planet Venus rising in the predawn darkness as a morning star. But what a blessing for those who do! And for those of you who haven’t witnessed this stunning celestial sight, it’s something you should really, really, really try to see. This week Venus - the Earth’s closest planet next to its satellite, the Moon - is riveting in its beauty, exceptionally bright in magnitude and so big, it looks like a UFO. And there’s also something magical about rising before dawn, watching the eastern sky grow slowly turquoise, pink and crimson. The quiet peace and tranquility, the twinkling stars, the phenomenal cosmic world - before the hustle and bustle of cars and trucks – it embraces the spirit and centers the soul. Great way to start the day - in synch with the Universe.
And once the day begins, the people move, coffee brews and we get ready for our daily tasks, routines and responsibilities. And it’s good. It’s Thanksgiving week and the Moon grows full - we are bringing another lunar cycle to a close. Reaching fruition on Nov. 21st @ 10:27 am MST at 29º18’ Scorpio/Taurus, this is the second of five Full Moons in a row that form at the last degree of a sign. And just as each of the 12 signs of the zodiac represent a universal cycle of development, so do the 30 degrees of each sign. Early degrees are similar to the zodiac’s first signs and symbolize birth, initiation and new phases of development. Later degrees resonate with the energies of completion, evolution and resolution.