
 July 11 to 18, 2013    Visible planets: Morning:  Mars, Jupiter      Evening:  Venus, Saturn This week I feel compelled to write about the long-standing, ongoing Uranus [in Aries] – Pluto [in Capricorn] cardinal square. Once again, like so many planetary transits, I feel the pull of the...

July 4 to 11, 2013     Visible planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter           Evening: Venus, Saturn We, the people… Mom, home and apple pie. Parades, fireworks and American flags. Outdoor barbeques, hot dogs, hamburgers and corn on the cob. Coca-cola, lemonade and iced tea. And for those who drink...

June 27 to July 4, 2013       Visible planets: Morning: Mars      Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn April, May and June have been full of physical trials and emotional turmoil, tantalizing possibilities, love and loss, pain and gain. I often wonder what the world is coming to. And then...

[caption id="attachment_31920" align="alignleft" width="225"] Dr. Susannah Smith[/caption] Divorce and custody issues are traumatic events, second only to death of a loved one. Nothing is more important to most parents than the welfare, safety, and nourishment of their children. Divorce, especially when young children are involved, shakes...

June 20 to 27, 2013   Visible planets: Morning: none          Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn Summer solstice takes place on June 20th at 11:07 pm MDT this year, just two days before the Cancer Sun and Capricorn Moon oppose each other [June 23rd @5:32 am MDT] in...

  June 13 to 20, 2013      Visible planets: Morning: none      Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn I have to admit, I am having a difficult time writing the intro to this week’s Alacazem astrology column. I want to write about Elizabeth “Bets” Stiles Patterson, a beautiful young girl who...

June 6 to 13, 2013       Visible planets: Morning: none        Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn “The same, only different.” - Anonymous How many times have I heard that said, or said it myself? Hundreds, maybe thousands. It refers to so, so many things, and certainly describes how I’m feeling...

May 30 to June 6, 2013    Visible planets: Morning: none              Evening: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn Our celestial sojourn through three eclipses and the third of seven exact Uranus/Pluto squares over the last six weeks has left me feeling older, wiser and even more aware of the...

May 23 to 30, 2013      Visible planets: Morning: none                 Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn A full Moon lunar eclipse [May 24 @ 10:26 pm MDT] and Mountainfilm in Telluride promises a literally “moving mountains” Memorial Day weekend for all who find themselves in the little town at...

May 16 to 23, 2013       Visible planets: Morning: none        Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn May in Colorado is a month of embracing beauty, magnificent skies, pounding rain, shimmering rainbows, budding trees, restless winds and – overall - predictable duality. The fixed earth sign Taurus is solid and...