
Good things last. Fashion classics are just trends with long tails. Metallics have been "trendy" for a long time now, including gold in its different shades, primarily yellow and rose. In June, 2010, Two Skirts' Fashion Friday featured rose gold. Now our fashionista, Kristin Holbrook, wants...

The latest storm to affect the San Juan Mountains is taking form in the Pacific NW this morning and has begun pushing clouds into northern Colorado.  A fast moving shortwave impulse on NW flow will move across the Great Basin tonight and Friday with deepening...

My last forecast posted 2 days go ended with the conundrum of three computer models lacking agreement in solution.  Now with the clarity of the immediate future it looks like the last model that called for a split flow, combined with the first model which...

The pager went off awaking us from a late night winter's sleep telling us to respond to a strange sounding call at a large home near Telluride. The caller had been talking to the on-call doctor at the medical clinic stating that he was not...

Editor's note: Christ Presbyterian Church pastor, Rev. Pat Bailey, is working on a doctoral degree focusing on spirituality and nature. Pat invites listeners to share his journey and his thoughts about our post-modern religious setting, our experiences of Spirit in nature, and the daunting task...

In his training sessions, Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel always stresses the importance of calming the dog in order for learning to take place. In this week's video, Ted makes that point even stronger when working with your dog on a leash in...

January 19 to 26, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter Obviously, the best team was the Patriots… Hey, now! Here we are. The Denver Broncos are done for the season; I’m happy it’s over. Last week’s loss made the previous week’s victory even...

The strong mountains winds recently forecasted didn't materialize except at very high elevations above 15,000' because of a warm/stable air mass the past few days. The next disturbance moving into our mountains began moving into Washington/Oregon today.  It looks to weaken in it's approach so we...

Tuesday January 17, 2012–11:30 Our latest storm played out as expected with up to 14″ in various locations.  Clear skies and high winds (polar jet) will dominate for the next few days redistributing the new snow, setting on a weak snowpack into fresh slabs waiting for...

Sometimes a simple conversation between a parent and a teen can make all the difference.  Other times, it is best to be prepared with an arsenal of resources and facts.  On Thursday, January 19, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. a new series that encourages...