
January 14 to 21, 2010

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury and Saturn
Evening: Mars and Jupiter
A New Moon Solar Eclipse and Doing Laundry by Hand

Dawn On Jan. 15th at 12:11 am MST the Sun and Moon come together at 25º01’ Capricorn in the exact conjunction aspect of a New Moon solar eclipse. This is the first eclipse of 2010 and one that reiterates energies from January 1991, when that year’s first solar eclipse was very close in zodiac degree to this one. Eclipses take place four or five times each year, but each and every eclipse repeats the theme and near exact degree of an eclipse occurring almost exactly 19 years prior to it.

This year, my husband, our three dogs and I are in Baja California, Mexico, staying at a friend’s house on the East Cape of the Sea of Cortez, about 30 miles north of Cabo San Lucas. In 1991, my husband, our two dogs – both now deceased – and I were building a house in Cabo Pulmo, just 10 miles north of where I am today.

Watch Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel work with Drake, his eleven week old Labrador puppy. This early training is a lot about having fun and bonding, but the long-term lessons are beginning as well. Cottonwood is a one-stop shop for dogs...

January 7 to 14, 2010

Visible Planets:
Morning: Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn
Evening: Jupiter

Magnificent Sunsets and the Quest for Capricorn Control

BajaSunset* Last night I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets of my entire life, and - I have to admit - I’ve seen countless sunsets of magnificent beauty and awesome color. From those early years of childhood in Denver, when the Front Range framed shimmering Venus kissing a delicate crescent Moon, to the picturesque western horizon of the La Sal Mountains in Utah to the rugged terrain of the Baja desert, I have been a huge fan of the setting sun and its magical hour of twilight.

2010 has begun and the eclipse window has opened. The New Year’s Eve lunar eclipse showered the world with Capricorn – realistic, practical, rules and regulations. Governments, goals and gifts, social structures, the economy, jobs and unemployment. We are thrust into the actual, physical realm of money and material, products and production, success and failure.

Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel had a birthday party a few weeks ago. While Ted's birthday was the reason for the get-together, Drake, the Hoffs' new yellow Labrador puppy, was the star of the evening. All the women there couldn't keep...

December 31, 2009 to January 7, 2010

Visible Planets:
Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Mercury and Jupiter

Feliz y Prospero Ano 2010!
PalmSolstice This year, I’ll be watching the Full Moon rise over the Sea of Cortez, thinking about everyone back home in Colorado – the snow, the crystalline ice and the cold, cold air. Wishing you all the very, very best in this second decade of this New Age Millennium!

2009 draws to a close with a super-powerful “supermoon” lunar eclipse @ 10º 14’ Capricorn/Cancer. Full Moons, and especially eclipses, call us to release what is no longer serving our growth. And they have a fabulous way of illuminating exactly what we need to let go of. Cancer deals with emotions and emotional reactions. It’s how we instinctively react to life’s circumstances and experiences. Cancer is the little baby, the child, and the part of us that wants to be protected and feel secure. Capricorn is the adult, the boss, and the mature wise one who holds the scepter and is in control. It represents our wisdom and maturity, our ability to accept responsibility and take realistic, practical action to resolve problems and accomplish goals. Capricorn is the protected and Capricorn is the protector.

December 24 to 31, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Mercury and Jupiter

Feliz Navidad - Merry Christmas!

XmasCowboy I'm south of the border, down Mexico way, celebrating Christmas on the shining Sea of Cortez. Cactus, tortillas and guacamole, que viva!

I can't believe this magical, mystical world. The Mother Earth presents us with the most awesome presents of swaying palms, sparkling snow, glistening oceans and jagged peaks. I'm stunned by the abundance of this incredible planet. Whether we're in Telluride skiing two feet of powder, snorkeling in Cabo Pulmo or dancing under the waxing Moon, we are an living and breathing the love and life of our true Mother, the Mother Earth.

Feliz Navidad - Merry Christmas!

Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel shows us a training session with his young female Labrador retriever, Mae. Watch how Mae maintains her attention on Ted, in order to get the job done. Good girl, Mae. Ted really makes it...

Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel  showed us a retrieving kitty on an earlier video. But how about the most basic of commands: Sit, Stay. Ted demonstrates that with patience Kitty can do that too. So much for conventional wisdom- "cats can't...

December 17 to 24, 2009
Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Mercury and Jupiter

Winter Solstice and Christmas South of the Border

MexXmas It’s mid-December and I’m headed to Mexico. My husband and I rather suddenly decided to spend a couple months south of the border in Baja California – shining example of how “no major planets retrograde” can manifest action. (Mars goes retrograde on Dec. 20th, so this will change.)

I’m planning to write and post columns via WiFi along the way, but quien sabe? I know from past experience that internet service is spotty and unreliable in Baja. So, I’m posting early this week and hoping it all works out.

Feliz Navidad!