Alacazem 2011.04.14
April 14 to 21, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus Evening: Saturn
"May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true..." Bob Dylan, Forever Young
Spring has sprung and throughout the Northern Hemisphere we see the season emerging in shades of green. Budding trees, flowering bushes and melting snow respond to warmer days and increasing light. Solar rays are more direct. The Earth’s matrix of rocks, minerals, plants and animals awaken from winter’s slumber and burst forth in the evolutionary process of rebirth and renewal. Here in the West End, days of howling wind, spitting snow, slanting rain and embracing sun remind me that nothing is permanent, everything changes. Forever and always, revolutions around the Sun, returning seasons and revolving cycles – forever young, life here on Earth – as we see it, as we know it. Right here, right now, today...
This week, on April 17th @ 8:44 pm MDT, the Sun and Moon form the exact opposition aspect of a full "super" Moon in the late degrees of Aries/Libra. Three days later, the Sun moves into Taurus. The bridging time between Aries and Taurus is one that takes us from the primal fire of instinct and survival to the earth-centered land of primal nourishment and sustenance. The seed thrust forth in the fiery passion of Aries creation seeks fertile Taurus soil in which to take root, be nurtured and grow. Inherent in every seed is the map, the plan, the DNA of its potential. But without food, shelter and a safe place to develop and eventually blossom, the seed will never bear fruit.