Alacazem 2011.04.14

Alacazem 2011.04.14

April 14 to 21, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus   Evening: Saturn

"May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true…"        Bob Dylan, Forever Young

RZ horse3 Spring has sprung and throughout the Northern Hemisphere we see the season emerging in shades of green. Budding trees, flowering bushes and melting snow respond to warmer days and increasing light. Solar rays are more direct. The Earth’s matrix of rocks, minerals, plants and animals awaken from winter’s slumber and burst forth in the evolutionary process of rebirth and renewal. Here in the West End, days of howling wind, spitting snow, slanting rain and embracing sun remind me that nothing is permanent, everything changes. Forever and always, revolutions around the Sun, returning seasons and revolving cycles – forever young, life here on Earth – as we see it, as we know it. Right here, right now, today…

This week, on April 17th @ 8:44 pm MDT, the Sun and Moon form the exact opposition aspect of a full "super" Moon in the late degrees of Aries/Libra. Three days later, the Sun moves into Taurus. The bridging time between Aries and Taurus is one that takes us from the primal fire of instinct and survival to the earth-centered land of primal nourishment and sustenance. The seed thrust forth in the fiery passion of Aries creation seeks fertile Taurus soil in which to take root, be nurtured and grow. Inherent in every seed is the map, the plan, the DNA of its potential. But without food, shelter and a safe place to develop and eventually blossom, the seed will never bear fruit.

Ram Bull This is where the brave and courageous energy of the Ram becomes vulnerable. It is here the wild, untamed spirit and fiercely independent nature of our zodiac’s first sign is cautioned to take pause, slow down and find safe haven. Life depends upon life support. Without the nutrients, comforts and physical conditions that provide refuge, safety and protection to the individual life, even the most vibrant and vital will wither and die. So, as we travel the road from Aries to Taurus, let’s consider the nature of our journey. As we were called upon in Aries to embrace the warrior’s spirit and go forth with strength and courage, now we are asked to intuit and sense, touch and feel. It’s time to be less impulsive and more practical, less idealistic and more realistic. It’s time find our happy, healthy place in the sun. 

Good luck and may we find the shelter in the storm, the food on the table and the ways and means to provide for ourselves and our loved ones with balance, peace, honor and grace. Here’s to the illuminating light of the Aries/Libra "super" full Moon. God bless…

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
The full Moon in Aries/Libra on Apr. 17th illuminates issues of war and peace in relationships. Ancient deities Mars and Venus rule this lunation and remind the Ram that balance is essential for success, health and well-being now and forever. Heavyweight Saturn also sends a powerful message of restraint regarding impulsive behaviors. Curb the bit.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
The last full week of Mercury retrograde allows for a slower pace and a more reflective mindset regarding personal devils and demons. Understanding how you may be creating your own suffering is key to the awakening that ultimately leads to an enlightened life of self-responsibility, happiness and self-care. Cultivate inner peace.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Reflections upon life and love continue, as the Moon grows full. You may experience great longing for what has gone before and want to recapture or rekindle a lost romance or neglected friendship. Feel your feelings and follow your heart. Put your best foot forward and let the cards fall where they may. Today is now and things change. Let go and accept what comes.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
A full Moon in Aries/Libra combines with a Mars/Saturn opposition, dealing you a dynamic celestial hand. Themes of self-responsibility, healthy boundaries and family restructure continue as you balance professional demands with personal desires. Remain open to unexpected career change as a door to a revolutionary, inspirational new life.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Full Moons are forever and always about relationships, and this one is all about the masculine and feminine aspects of those sharings and pairings. Are you balancing male and female, yin and yang, animus and anima or feeling wildly out-of-synch? Daily rituals, spiritual teachings and the discipline of an open mind and willing heart go far. Miracles happen!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
You may feel like you are being asked or forced to take responsibility for life circumstances and relationships as personal obligations push you to places and spaces that require attention. Take action when and where necessary and simply do the next right thing, one-step and one day at a time. All is exactly as it should be at this moment. Acceptance is the answer.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Let’s face it; these are difficult and trying times. Personal, social and global – the world is at war, in upheaval and crisis. How to find peace and serenity when chaos reigns and corruption runs rampant? The cosmos is calling upon the calm and capable, the compassionate and kind in this era of awakening. It’s all about spiritual living and doing. Be the change.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You may feel the world shift on its axis and see sunlight change in value and hue. Whatever the personal translation, you’re correct to intuit massive metaphysical transformation and restructure. Catharsis is the name of the game in which you are playing a starring role. Hang on to the wisdom of uncertainty and stay in shape via a daily spiritual practice.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
While springtime is traditionally a season of great fun and laughter, creativity and romance for the Archer, this week you may be feeling less loving and more on edge than usual. The solution is one of balance. Self-importance is a wild and risky ride right now. Play with people you respect and admire, see goodness and experience the miracle osmosis.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Moving in dynamic circles and working toward conscious goals are the means to achieve what you now define as genuine success. No longer confined or restricted by tradition and convention, you have embraced the power of personal truth and run with it. As family and parental roles change and revitalize, focus on daily spiritual practice and progress. 

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Thoughts, ideas, communication and commerce are themes for the week. Brothers, sisters, neighbors and friends pop in and out of your mind and life as full Moon energy brings projects and plans to light. Mercury retrograde favors research, review and revision. Go over contracts and clarify intentions before signing up or signing on. Explore and experience. 

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
You may feel personally responsible for something or someone this week, wondering what you can do to help or change the person, situation or circumstance. Take a good look and clarify whether or not you are acting in an appropriate and effective manner. Focus on personal change rather than attempting to change others. Simply lead by example and give it love.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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