Alacazem 2011.04.07

Alacazem 2011.04.07

April 7 to 15, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus  Evening: Saturn

The Primal Power of Aries: Season of the Emerging Self

Sneffles Springtime off-season has officially arrived in Telluride. The ski mountain has closed and blustery days of howling wind, spitting snow and sleeting rain now fall upon mostly empty streets. The local exodus to Mexican beaches and tropical islands is in full force. To the west, greening pastures embrace newborn calves and baby lambs; the mountains rise above in shades of snowy-white and deep, dark-blue. To the east, over the Dallas Divide in Ouray, daffodils, tulips and hyacinths greet visitors coming and going to the town’s Hot Springs Pool. The primal thrust of new life and rebirth is in the air; the warming earth, the melting snow and the restless weather herald the season of resurrection and renewal.

Ouray Pool1 The first week of the Aries lunar cycle delivers plenty of power in its punch, but due to the retrograde motion of mental messenger Mercury – also in Aries – the energy is somewhat redolent, and at times, even redundant. We find ourselves reviewing the past against the canvas of what was then and what is today, considering our actions and examining the consequences. And with realistic Saturn now moving in partner-oriented Libra, we seem to be most frequently reflecting upon ourselves in the image-rich mirror of our relationships. This is a poignant and powerful time to review and identify “our part” in our personal emotional reactions to and interactions with others. Are we feeling resentful, angry or hurt by another? If so, how did we assist in the creation of our own suffering?

Risky ride2 Aries is all about “self” and more specifically, the emerging self. Aries loves action and moving forward. Impatient, independent, impulsive and at times even compulsive, the zodiac’s first sign and season vibrates with cardinal fire – initiating spirit – and manifests as the strong desire, the uncontrollable urge or the passionate act that propels us ever onward. The trick is in catching ourselves before or if we are operating in out-of-control, self-fueled illusion or self-importance, self-obsessed self-pity or self-denial. Aries loves a risky ride but we don’t want to get caught up in the crash and chaos of reckless abandon or throw caution to the wind – especially this week. Both motivated, macho Mars and wild, electric Uranus are closely aligned now and moving through the early degrees of Aries, squaring subterranean Pluto in governmental, authoritarian Capricorn. What we say can and will be held against us, what we do – let’s put it like this – will have powerful effects on our immediate life, relationships, environment and world at large, now and forever after.

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
Self-awakening is the function of Uranus in Aries, but its radical upsets and electric shocks can feel like riding an out-of-control, wild roller coaster. The opportunity here is in self-discovery, self-authenticity, rigorous honesty and spiritual truth. What no longer works is being taken away for good reason, for the good of all concerned. Let go and let God.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
With so much planetary activity in your solar 12th house of present and past life karma, you may feel as if the world has shifted on its axis just for or because of you. Of course you understand you aren’t that powerful, quite the opposite, but sometimes it’s difficult to separate cause from effect. Recognize the pervasive presence of spirit and embrace its grace.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Your solar 11th house of camaraderie and friendship lights up this week as planets encourage you to take action regarding the creation of a positive support network for yourself and others. Sharing experience, strength and hope is what it’s all about these days. Connecting with those who’ve been is essential to effectiveness and success. Seek and find.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You may experience unavoidable conflicts and obstacles as you travel the road of life’s journey this week. Your social, professional status and career is changing radically now and it’s best to accept it rather than resist. This is somewhat like a cosmic intervention that is ultimately a miracle, but at first feels like a disaster. Relax and do your best.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Sparks fly and spirits rise as Aries fire kindles physical excitement and spiritual inspiration. As the Lion of the zodiac – courageous and strong of heart – you are being called upon to rise above the mundane and lead by example. Refrain from ego displays and controlling, dictatorial behaviors. For success, practice being the open-minded sage and philanthropic guru.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Dreams of romance and connection continue as love planet Venus moves seductively through your solar 7th house of partnership and marriage. Keep your eyes and heart open as you witness Mother Earth’s seasonal awakening and embrace her natural beauty. Practice the art of gratitude as you count your blessings and go forth, one-step and one day at a time.  

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Major life lessons regarding personal behaviors and choices continue as Saturn retrogrades through your sign. While you may feel sorrow, loss and a sense of closure in general, rays of hope and possibility shine eternal in lands of fresh frontier and discovery. Understanding your part and cultivating compassion for others are keys to these times. Be strong.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Mars and Uranus are infamous planetary mavericks, noted for excitement, upset and shock. As agents of sudden, radical change, they are working together in self-centered Aries, encouraging the world to wake up individually and fight for what’s right. For the Scorpion, this translates as a time of passionate self-improvement. Be strong and be brave.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Inner and outer fires rage as planets spark excitement, passion and desire throughout the cosmos. Heartfelt feelings and deep emotional longing may compel action and carry you to places and spaces of romance and/or intense creative expression. Rather than attempt to control outcomes, simply harness the power and go with the flow. Do the next right thing. 

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
As you walk the first miles and months of an extended journey on the yellow brick road of metamorphic experience and transformation, refrain from egocentric anger, blame and shame. You are being presented with daunting options and opportunities, all to teach you your ultimate life lesson: the correct use of w
ill and power. Stay awake and be present.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Mental images and internal dialogues may run rampant as Mars, Uranus and Jupiter ignite your imagination and fuel ideas. Witness the words and recognize tendencies for circular thinking and repetition. Mercury retrograde favors review and research, reconsideration and revision. If you feel redundant, identify what needs to change and begin preparation.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Voluptuous Venus in your sign encourages the practice of self-care and relaxation, beautification of yourself and immediate environment, along with the simple, miraculous gift of sleep. The radical influence of Mars, Uranus and Jupiter in your solar 2nd house of personal security may have shown up as a monetary crisis of sorts. Take a deep breath, breathe easy and rest.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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