Alacazem 2009.12.10
December 10 to 17, 2009
Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn Evening: Mercury and Jupiter
Opening our Hearts to the Ultimate Truth of Spirit
Two weeks ‘til Christmas and hearth-fires crackle with the goodwill and good wishes of the holiday season. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are now moving through Sagittarius, sign of idealistic thinking and philanthropic giving. It is here that spiritual generosity paves the way for high hopes, open hearts and adventurous minds.
Ruled by magnanimous planet Jupiter, Sagittarius calls upon us to look at the bigger picture – humanity, the world and universe – rise above the petty and embrace the divine. We are asked to find the good in ourselves and others, forgive trespasses, give from the heart and seek the ultimate truth – the truth of Spirit.
Religion and religious or spiritual beliefs are important pieces of the Sagittarian puzzle. Whether we are Christian, Jewish, Native American, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, pagan, atheist or agnostic, what we think, what we question and what we ultimately come to accept and believe about the world of spirit comes into play this time of year. Catholics celebrate el Dia de Guadalupe and Jews light Menorah candles on Dec. 12th. Nativity scenes commemorate the birth of Jesus. Winter Solstice honors the returning light of the Sun. And holiday parties pay homage to Bacchus, god of wine and revelry.