
December 10 to 17, 2009
Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Mercury and Jupiter

Opening our Hearts to the Ultimate Truth of Spirit

HolidayGuad Two weeks ‘til Christmas and hearth-fires crackle with the goodwill and good wishes of the holiday season. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are now moving through Sagittarius, sign of idealistic thinking and philanthropic giving. It is here that spiritual generosity paves the way for high hopes, open hearts and adventurous minds.

Ruled by magnanimous planet Jupiter, Sagittarius calls upon us to look at the bigger picture – humanity, the world and universe – rise above the petty and embrace the divine. We are asked to find the good in ourselves and others, forgive trespasses, give from the heart and seek the ultimate truth – the truth of Spirit.

Religion and religious or spiritual beliefs are important pieces of the Sagittarian puzzle. Whether we are Christian, Jewish, Native American, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, pagan, atheist or agnostic, what we think, what we question and what we ultimately come to accept and believe about the world of spirit comes into play this time of year. Catholics celebrate el Dia de Guadalupe and Jews light Menorah candles on Dec. 12th. Nativity scenes commemorate the birth of Jesus. Winter Solstice honors the returning light of the Sun. And holiday parties pay homage to Bacchus, god of wine and revelry.

December 3 to 10, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Mercury and Jupiter

Good thoughts, good vibes, good food, good deeds...

BlueSanta As the Sun moves through the middle degrees of Sagittarius, see if you can feel the optimistic, philanthropic energy of the Archer taking hold. The holiday season is quintessentially Sagittarius and we can’t help but be affected by the ho-ho-hos and merry-merrys. A distinct generosity of spirit permeates the ethers and we are called to open our hearts and let the joy in.

Ruled by magnanimous planet Jupiter, Sagittarius energy tends toward grandiosity and largesse. It’s the classic golden touch, the benevolent ruler, the guardian angel and the lucky charm. It’s good luck; good fortune and all things that are and make us feel “good.”  Enthusiastic optimism fuels the Sagittarian fire and the flexible, adaptable quality of its modality keep the flames of hope, faith and truth flickering in the eternal hearth of Spirit.

Giving to others – especially those less fortunate – sharing the wealth and focusing on the goodness of the world rather than its darkness are characteristics of this very magnanimous sign. Holiday spirit, holiday cheer and holiday hustle are all classically Sag. And, of course, on the flip side of all this grandeur, we have over-indulgence, never-say-no and devil-may-care attitudes that can put us over the top or off the cliff.

Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel and Cottonwood Hunt Club admits an ability to train retrievers. Nowhere in the claim does it state that the retriever has to be a dog. Check out the video. How about burros, Ted? ...

November 26 to December 3, 2009
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars and Saturn   Evening: Mercury and Jupiter

"As Above, So Below"

Universe_man This week’s Dec. 2nd Full Moon in the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity marks the culmination of an on-and-off period of planetary retrogrades that served to bring us back upon ourselves and our experiences. Awakening, change and breakthrough have been themes all year, but we have consistently revisited our decisions and choices, amended plans and reconsidered directions. That’s the nature of retrogrades and, of course, life.

"As above, so below.
" The great astrological dictum. The Hermetic creed. The cosmic truth. And, today, the quintessential quantum-metaphysical law.

[click "Play" to listen to Ted's comments about training Lulu]

LuLu_Adopt Second Chance Humane Society executive director Kelly Goodin read Ted Hoff's columns in Telluride Inside... and Out and became convinced this dog whisperer could help rescue her rescues. Several weeks ago, we posted a Second Chance success story named Lulu. The following is a copy of an email Kelly sent to TIO in thanks. (In addition to Lulu, the other dog mentioned in the note, "Gina," is our rescue, who is doing wonderfully well thanks to Ted's talent and dedication.)

November 19 to 26, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars and Saturn    Evening: Jupiter

Grace, Gratitude and Thanksgiving

grace n 1. unmerited divine assistance given man for his regeneration or sanctification b: a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace c: a virtue coming from God
gratitude n [fr Latin gratus grateful] (1565): the state of being grateful]: THANKFULNESS
thankful adj (12c): conscious of benefit received or < for what we are about to receive >
thanksgiving n (1533) 1: the act of giving thanks 2: a prayer expressing gratitude 3: a public celebration of divine goodness
Thanksgiving Day n (1674) 1: a day appointed for giving thanks for divine goodness: as a: the fourth Thursday in November observed as a legal holiday in the U.S. b: the second Monday in October observed as a legal holiday in Canada

Archer For me, the holiday season begins when the Sun enters Sagittarius, which - in the western world’s Julian calendar - takes place each year on or near Nov. 21st. Sagittarius is the zodiac’s 9th sign and third fire sign. It is mutable in modality and positive in polarity, ruled by Jupiter and symbolized by the mythical centaur – an athletic, primal yet intellectual, half-man/half-horse - shooting an arrow in to the cosmos.

Here in the U.S., Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday – which synchronistically happens to be Jupiter’s day – of November. The earliest possible date for it to fall is on Nov. 22nd and the latest date is Nov. 28th, guaranteeing us that this quintessentially Sagittarian holiday will take place in Sagittarius every year over and over, again and again, forever and ever. Thank goodness!

November 12 to 19, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars and Saturn   Evening: Jupiter

Mystery and Magic, Body and Spirit, Heart and Soul

Lise1 Every year during the Scorpio zodiac month, I write about mystery and magic, death and rebirth, metaphysics and metamorphosis. It’s the time for witches and witchcraft, spells and potions. It’s the time of matted grass, swirling leaves and naked trees. The Queen of Darkness grabs the sepulcher from autumn’s Libra Fairy Princess and ushers in the season of lengthening night and freezing frost. We light fires and turn up the heat to ward off the cold. We are thankful for warm homes, cozy couches and extra blankets.

The stunning radiance of Indian Summer graces many of our days, but we are well aware of Old Man Winter knocking at the door. Our first snowstorms come during the Scorpio sun-time, and because of the earths still temperate ground, icy slush, blinding snow and glazing ice create some of the most dangerous driving conditions of the year.

IMG_1194 The Telluride region's Second Chance Humane Society is in the business of finding rescued dogs (and cats) a family, where our furry friends can give and get the unconditional love everyone involved deserves. Telluride Inside... and Out's dog expert, Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch & Kennel, believes there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. Bad owners create bad, but not unfixable, problems – at least not for Ted. Enter Lulu.

Allison Dooley of Second Chance (pictured with Ted and Lulu) tells the story of Lulu and Ted, happy ending and all. However, for a true Hollywood finale, Lulu still needs an adopter.

November 5 to 12, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars and Saturn    Evening: Jupiter

Venus, Pluto and the Four Gates of Avataric Descent

ScorpioEagle Voluptuous Venus enters seductive Scorpio on Nov. 7th and proceeds to sextile powerful Pluto in ambitious Capricorn Nov. 8th. These celestial events take place as the Earth reaches the halfway mark between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice, one of the four cross-quarter points of the annual tropical year. Cross-quarter points occur at 15º Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo, when the Earth’s polar axis is at a 45º angle to the Sun and magnetic pulls are at a maximum. In esoteric circles, these points are referred to as the Four Gates of Avataric Descent and represent particular types of cosmic energetic release.

WheelFortune Symbolized by the Eagle (Scorpio), Angel (Aquarius), Bull (Taurus) and Lion (Leo), the approximate dates for cross-quarter days fall on Nov. 8th, Feb. 5th, May 6th and Aug. 8th. At these times the energies or realizations gathered at the equinoxes and solstices are released and made effective. The Bull and the Lion express individuating power – power rooted in the planet via concrete selfhood - while the Eagle and the Angel express collectivating power – power that expands the individual toward the collective and universal.

The entrance of Venus into Scorpio and its sextile to Pluto in Capricorn at the time of one of these electromagnetically charged points – Nov. 8th is the Gate of the Eagle – indicate the opening of an omniscient cosmic door, a door to transformational, metamorphic individual and collective change. Venus in Scorpio represents our passions, obsessions and addictions - especially those regarding romance and finance, love and money. It is where we feel intense desires and demonstrate compulsive behaviors. It’s also our attraction to secrets, magic, clandestine activity, the mysterious and metaphysical.