Alacazem 2009.12.03

Alacazem 2009.12.03

December 3 to 10, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Mercury and Jupiter

Good thoughts, good vibes, good food, good deeds…

BlueSanta As the Sun moves through the middle degrees of Sagittarius, see if you can feel the optimistic, philanthropic energy of the Archer taking hold. The holiday season is quintessentially Sagittarius and we can’t help but be affected by the ho-ho-hos and merry-merrys. A distinct generosity of spirit permeates the ethers and we are called to open our hearts and let the joy in.

Ruled by magnanimous planet Jupiter, Sagittarius energy tends toward grandiosity and largesse. It’s the classic golden touch, the benevolent ruler, the guardian angel and the lucky charm. It’s good luck; good fortune and all things that are and make us feel “good.”  Enthusiastic optimism fuels the Sagittarian fire and the flexible, adaptable quality of its modality keep the flames of hope, faith and truth flickering in the eternal hearth of Spirit.

Giving to others – especially those less fortunate – sharing the wealth and focusing on the goodness of the world rather than its darkness are characteristics of this very magnanimous sign. Holiday spirit, holiday cheer and holiday hustle are all classically Sag. And, of course, on the flip side of all this grandeur, we have over-indulgence, never-say-no and devil-may-care attitudes that can put us over the top or off the cliff.

BelieveSantaWhile Jupiter and Sagittarius are great at making us feel good, fanning confidence and encouraging us to spend time and money on worthy causes and deserving people, it’s also an influence that can lead to overdrawn bank accounts, late nights at the casino, extra pounds and humongous hangovers. Everything does happen for a reason and works out as it should – it’s simple karma, cause and effect – a.k.a. natural law. Beware of over-doing, over-spending, over-eating and, like our Mexican foreman used to say: “too much party.”

 Sagittarius is altruistic, philosophical and adventurous. Its questing and striving quality engenders exploration and beckons discovery. It likes to “go for broke,” pull out the stops and simply believe. And now, with all major planets moving in forward direction, expect to feel tantalized by glimmering horizons, expanding possibilities and the unlimited potential.

Good luck and may the generosity of Jupiter and optimism of Sagittarius shower you with good vibes, good food, good friends, good thoughts and good deeds. Merry, merry!

(Mar. 21-Apr.19)
Did life speed up or is it your imagination? The answer is irrelevant, the fact remains that you are rushing to meet deadlines or finish jobs. Practice deep breathing as you bustle from here to there, consider the bigger picture and use inner peace as a default. Great success comes to those who calm down and take it one moment and one day at a time.

(Apr. 20-May 20)
Ruler Venus has entered Sagittarius and your solar 8th house of the soul and psyche, soothing psychological wounds and opening doors of love in your most intimate relationships. Planetary aspects to Mercury and Pluto encourage generosity of spirit. Cultivate humility and focus on self-betterment rather than expecting others to improve. Stay the course.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Love planet Venus moves into your solar 7th house of marriage and partnership this week and remains there for several. A supportive sextile to Saturn encourages new commitments and positions you for improvement in existing ones. Communicate and negotiate via calm, diplomatic means. Make deals, sign papers before Dec. 20th. Good luck!

(June 22-July 22)
As mental Mercury moves in to Capricorn and conjuncts Pluto, expect some rather transformational messages to come your way via partners and significant others. Rapid change may incite quick reactions. Refrain from hair-trigger responses and overt emotional displays. Anger is a powerful red flag, wait until you’ve cooled down to choose and decide.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Feminine Venus joins masculine Mars in fire this week and heart-flames ignite. Enjoy the heat as you pursue personal agendas and romantic desires. Others see you now as sweet, charming and attractive. It’s a great time to each out, negotiate and settle disputes. Express your inner child via exploration and innocence. Have fun, laugh and live the love.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Planetary emphasis in fellow-mutable sign Sagittarius illuminates matters at home and close to the heart and hearth. Feel your feelings and pay attention to what fuels them. Recognize the connection between thoughts and emotions, as well as the transitory nature of both. Accept what is, cultivate faith and wash the soul with love. Just do the next right thing.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Taskmaster Saturn in early Libra tints your world with reality and encourages personal programs of self-discipline along with a more practical, pragmatic approach to life. Ruler Venus in Sagittarius favors communication regarding love and money. Explore and utilize the written and spoken word in romantic, artistic and creative endeavors. Be cool.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
While the pressure to perform has lessened, it’s still important to be productive. Focus on action and manifestation as planets support the efforts you put forth in each and every endeavor. With Saturn now in your solar 12th house of spirits, prepare for an extended period of personal inventory. Contemplate forgiveness and cultivate compassion.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Onward cosmic traveler! It’s time to celebrate another revolution around the Sun. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Venus in your sign sets you up for several weeks of improved finance and enhanced romance. Smile as much as possible and put on a happy face as life happens and the world turns. Gratitude generates grace. Say thanks.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Multi-faceted, multi-talented Mercury moves into Capricorn this week and speeds up thinking, incites curiosity and enhances perceptual abilities. While you may be suddenly tempted to madly multi-task and multi-text, instead try focusing on one thing at a time. Balancing several plates on sticks fractures attention and diffuses effectiveness. Do your best.
(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Ruler Uranus in forward motion jump-starts the planets on a full-speed-ahead voyage through the cosmos. Gather your wits and resources for a three-week journey of enhanced effectiveness regarding goal accomplishment and dream manifestation. You are restructuring your beliefs as you change your habits. Look beyond the horizon and explore the world.

(Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Several planets in your solar 10th house of goals and achievement fuel professional aspirations and illuminate career paths. You may find yourself thinking about what you want to do, how you want to do it and if and when you can.  Be as creative and artistic as possible as you design your dreams and craft your creations. Focus on productivity, get it done!

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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