
December 26 to 31, 2008


Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter


Christmas has come and gone and the New Year looms upon our proverbial glittering horizon. We have a few days to catch our breath and prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the end of one solar cycle and the beginning of another. As always, at this time of year, we find ourselves taking our first steps through cardinal Capricorn, and in so doing, are awakened to the physical reality in which we live, love, work and breathe. The focus on gifts and presents, the food and drink, the sights and sounds, and the money spent – or not spent - are all tactile, sensual, material examples of this down-to-earth, practical and socially conscious sign. We are suddenly aware of the need for self-discipline, structure and sacrifice - to pay off those credit card bills or get rid of those extra pounds – and feel almost magnetically attracted to programs of self-betterment. The good news is that these types of actions and behaviors are actually favored now. The Universe supports and assists those willing to set goals, make commitments and work toward goal accomplishment. So, as this week winds its way into 2009, take advantage of the Dec. 27th Capricorn New Moon. Great time to get the ball rolling. Initiate! Happy New Year!



December 18 to 25, 2008


Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter

 Celestial Phenomena: Winter Solstice takes place this year on Dec. 21st at 5:04 a.m. MST, when the Sun enters the cardinal earth sign Capricorn. This is a powerful turning point when forces gather, intentions manifest and plans for the coming year begin to crystallize. As we approach and experience the shortest day and longest night of the year, we enter a portal that both separates and merges dark and light. We stand in an arch of metaphysical magic. The Mother Earth has reached her most distant point on the journey away from Grandfather Sun and, on this day, is magnetically pulled back toward her ancestral home. For millennia, people on our planet have celebrated the “return of the Sun” with fire and light, rejoiced in ancient rituals and reflected upon life in the flickering flames of blazing bonfires or, in more modern times, been  enchanted by the artistry of electricity. The word solstice is literally translated as ‘sun-stops’ or ‘sun-stands-still,’ and the day of solstice stands as a metaphorical and cosmic time for us to also stand and be still, take a moment to honor our primal star and awaken to the sun-fueled fire of spirit within. Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas and may the glowing embers of love, peace and joy illuminate your holiday path.


December 11 to 18, 2008

Visible Planets:
Morning: Saturn 
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

Celestial Phenomena: With all planets moving in forward direction in predominantly "collective" signs, a Sagittarius Full Moon that is both at perigee (its closest approach to Earth) and syzygy (directly aligned with the Sun and Earth), and a mutable Grand Cross involving the Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Uranus blazing across the cosmos, we are feeling the powerful pulse of our shape-shifting Universe as it morphs, expands and grows. Never before have we been presented so many multi-faceted options and possibilities. Potential is limitless and creation is eternal. If you're feeling a little unstable and uncertain, don't feel like the Lone Ranger. It's par for the course. Just remain positive, grateful and keep your eyes to the skies. Simply do the next right thing and stay on the path. Peace, love and joy, happy holidays and may you see and become a part of the great, good fortune of these changing times!

December 4 to 11, 2008
Visible Planets:
Morning: Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

The magnificently beautiful conjunction of a slender crescent Moon, dazzling Venus and brilliant Jupiter over Thanksgiving weekend gave my heart pause and literally stopped me in my tracks. As an astrologer, I live for these moments and am greatly humbled when I happen to be the grateful recipient of such stunning celestial events. I only hope that others are so fortunate and blessed. Living on a faraway mesa in southwestern Colorado, in a place with virtually no city lights or atmospheric pollution, I am gifted with the crystalline blue-black night skies upon which stars sparkle and comets sail. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Happy Holidays!

November 27 to December 4, 2008
Visible Planets:
Morning: Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

Happy Thanksgiving to All. Don't forget to check out Venus and Jupiter in the southwestern sky at dusk and early evening as they move toward a magnificent, beautiful conjunction with the Moon over the next few days. May your week be filled with kindness, gratitude, joy, peace and love. God bless.

November 7 to 14, 2008

Visible Planets:
Morning: Mercury through the 10th, and Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

The first of three impactful Saturn/Uranus oppositions took place on Nov. 4th, Election Day, and it was a celestial hit of phenomenal proportion. Barack Obama was elected President of the U.S.A. and throughout our country and around the world people were dancing in the streets, celebrating change and embracing the dawn of an exciting new era. A longstanding glass ceiling had been shattered, a divisive, invisible barrier had exploded. A biracial American man of Caucasian and African blood was chosen, by a convincing margin, to take the reins and rule as one of the most powerful leaders in history. The people had spoken.

The last time Saturn opposed Uranus was in 1965-67, a period of tremendous social, political and cultural turmoil, as well as extraordinary creative impulse. We experienced massive civil rights and anti-war demonstrations, spacewalks, the Beatles and the introduction of Eastern spiritual traditions into the Western world view. Saturn represents government, positions of power, social constraints, rules, regulations and the status quo. It is finite reality and the building blocks of society. It is where we are challenged to achieve, work toward goals and strive for recognition. Uranus represents radical change, revolution, individual and collective freedom, liberty, uncharted territory and the excitement of the new. It is idealistic, ingenious, inventive and - above all - humanitarian. Draw the lines and connect the dots. This is an incredible new era of hope and creative change, a time when individual efforts send ripples throughout the Universe and join force with shooting stars. Join the movement, journey the path, ride the wave and manifest the dream.

Onward Cosmic Travelers!

By Cynthia Hansen Zehm
October 23 to 30, 2008

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury and Saturn
Evening: Mars and Jupiter
As October draws to a close, we walk on fallen leaves and watch them swirl as winds whip and the air grows colder. Some gather firewood for winter, kindle fires and indulge in the cozy warmth of flickering flames and crackling logs. For others, heaters are turned on and pilots ignited. For some, passive solar applications help warm houses and reduce heating costs. It feels good to partner up with our good, old Father Sun, who, by the way, joins up with Grandmother Moon @ 05°54′ Scorpio on Oct. 28th at 5:14 p.m. MDT to initiate a new lunar cycle and month. It’s time for mystery and magic. Have fun and watch out for witches!

By Cynthia Hansen Zehm
October 16 to 23, 2008

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury and Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

The October Hunter’s Moon has come and gone and forests are paved with gold. Snowy white caps the mountain peaks and changing seasons bring impending winter’s first bald eagles back to the wild west end. In the the night sky, we are blessed with the grace of shimmering Venus above the western horizon at dusk, and brilliant Jupiter at zenith. Check out these two bright, bright "evening stars" and identify their travels over the next few months. Excellent way to make friends with our planetary neighbors! May your days be warm and your evenings cozy. Happy, peaceful, joyful, prosperous Autumn!

By Cynthia Hansen Zehm
October 9 to 16, 2008

Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter
Celestial Phenomena: The Full "Hunters" Moon comes to fruition on Oct. 14th @ 2:02 p.m. [21º51'Libra/Aries]; Mercury resumes forward motion on Oct. 15th @ 2:06 p.m. [7º36' Libra]; Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct. 18th @ 11:31 a.m.

I took a drive over the Dallas Divide last week and was absolutely stunned by the magnificent October colors. (See the recently posted Viebrock photo - exactly where I was!) Golds, greens, reds and oranges ablaze in the morning sun. How lucky to live in this verdantly beautiful place, where Mother Nature is a constant companion and life is dictated by her moods. Today, cold autumn winds whip across the mesa and leaves dance and whirl, falling to their places of winter slumber. Halloween is just around the corner and witches are collecting potions for their Samhain brews. Good luck and may full lunar force of the October Hunter's Moon be with you!

By Cynthia Hansen Zehm
October 2 to 9, 2008

Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

The first week of October is upon us. Weather changes as evenings grow cold and mornings are crisp. The heat of Indian Summer wanes as daylight hours shorten. Flames flicker as autumn fires warm our homes and inspire our hearts. The season of impending darkness has arrived. Night skys are dark and scattered with diamonds, Venus shimmers low in the west at dusk and Jupiter remains an easy-to-identify beacon of light in twilight and on into dawn. Messenger Mercury is retrograde in Libra until Oct. 15th, so we are well advised to practice peace and cultivate patience in our relationships. Give yourself and others a break, take it easy! Pairing and sharing dominate the collective and individual consciousness, make sure you’re happy with you and let others be happy, too. Be aware and be there. Good luck!