Alacazem 2011.07.28
July 28 to August , 2011 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Jupiter Evening: Saturn
2012 Mayan End Times: Hubris or Humility?
I’ve been thinking about 2012. It’s loaded, it’s wild, it’s awesome to know that there’s a collective force at work – the collective consciousness of an ancient prophecy coming to fruition - the long awaited Mayan end times.
I remember back to one day in the '90s – before the millennium turn and the predicted chaos of Y2K – when I was driving out of Telluride toward Lawson Hill with one of my editors. We were talking about how time seemed to have speeded up, how it felt as if the pavement beneath us was moving at a velocity much faster than the car traveling upon it. It was a kind of gravity free, out-of-body sensation, like flying through space at warp speed, meteors and galaxies whizzing by.