Alacazem 2011.07.14

Alacazem 2011.07.14

July 14 to 21, 2011

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter   Evening: Saturn

The Incandescent Flush of Purple and Gold of Spirit

“Throughout my whole life, during every moment I have lived, the world has gradually been taking on light and fire for me, until it has come to envelop me in one mass of luminosity, glowing from within…The purple flush of matter fading imperceptibly into the gold of spirit, to be lost finally in the incandescence of a personal universe…” Pierre Tielhard de Chardin 

Delph&clem2 I love the full-bloom blossom of “high” summer. Luscious shades of green, fragrant roses and magnificent wildflowers make the days and weeks from mid-July to mid-August some of the most vibrant and delightful of the year. Meadows kissed with golds and blondes, glades of fluttering, lime-colored aspen and gardens bursting with kaleidoscope reds, blues and yellows open my heart to Mother Nature’s awesome power and grace. I am reminded that life’s most inspirational, transformational moments come at times of communion with mystical forces and mysterious sources; energies far greater and more powerful than I.

Tielhard de Chardin’s above quote describes, far better than I, the transcendental experience of merging matter and spirit, of seeing and feeling the ultimate truth of the alpha and omega. Birth and death – the dance of life – the eternal, ethereal and material, metaphysical process of creation, destruction, death and rebirth. Evolution. Ongoing, forever and ever, hanging in the balance of a second, complete in its entirety, always changing, everything and nothing, all at once – the everpresent now.

Yellow daisies The astrological month of Cancer is drawing to a close. At 10:12 pm on July 22nd, the Sun will enter the fixed fire-sign of Leo and bid adieu to the fertile, nubile, nurturing innocence of the tropical zodiac’s first water sign. In so doing, we move from summer’s seasonal initiation and childlike rebirth to its sizzling primetime, when passion, performance, drama and desire displace the ebullient naïveté and sweet comfort of the season’s first four weeks. On the heels of the stunning July 14th/15th Cancer/Capricorn full Moon, may our passage through the Cancer-Leo gap be one of brilliant beauty,  boundless bounty and benefic bliss. Blessings, peace and grace…

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Where you live and with whom are themes as you reflect upon recent radical life changes in the world around you. These times are gateways to the future. Choices now are packed with power and potential. Nurture self and relax at home, be sweet and practice self-care. Express gratitude and cultivate compassion in general. Cultivate heartfelt goodness.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) The Cancer/Capricorn full Moon illuminates matters of perception and communication. Pay attention to your thoughts and words, what you think and what you say carry extra weight now. Brothers and sisters may be a big part of your week. Stay in the solution and focus on the positive aspects of your experience. Good time or bad time, it’s up to you.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) With Mars so close to the Moon’s south node in Gemini, be aware of old, repeating behavior patterns that may pop up and get in the way of progress. The most comfortable and familiar ways of reacting to external stimuli are often what keeps us imprisoned. Acting like a child, staying stuck in insecurity and blaming others doesn’t work. Blaze a new trail.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) The annual fruition of the Cancer lunar cycle marks a turning point in your personal year. Take a good look at what and who has come and gone over the last twelve months. As one who thrives on security, loves home and family and prefers the time-honored and traditional, these times are challenging. Self-sufficiency and self-care are allies. Feel, deal and heal.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22) With mental Mercury flying through Leo, you may find yourself thinking and talking more than usual. Pay attention to your thoughts and words, become a witness to the process of perception, definition and integration. You are qualifying and quantifying reality. Internal dialogues are working overtime. It’s a great time to observe and examine concepts and beliefs.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) Matters of relationship commitment and responsibility continue as a major summer theme. The Cancer full Moon shines light on the art of friendship and questions whether or not you are being a good one. Trust is built on honesty and accountability. Are you showing up for others, keeping your word and cultivating respect? Daily practice is progress.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Professional responsibilities and all matters of accomplishment can get in the way of having fun! Yet, you find yourself contemplating whether or not you’re doing what you need to do regarding career and achievement. It’s nice to relax, but as one who craves balance, you also need to be and feel productive. Go ahead, do the work and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Thinking about professional choices and options is a theme for you this week. Great pleasure comes via travel and spiritual pursuit. Open the book, read the map and go in the directions that feel best. Truth and honesty put us on the right path; it’s the connection to divine wisdom, guidance and grace. Show up and walk the talk, one step at a time.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Love may feel elusive and/or enigmatic, especially when you want it most. We all crave intimacy with another, but it’s easier to desire it than to get it. Relationships take work and what we give is what we get. Make sure you’re doing a good job at taking care of yourself before you start expecting others to take care of you. Be honest and open, relax and let it flow.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) This is a big week regarding others. Sharing and pairing is a theme. Examine your part in your most committed and significant relationships. Make sure the foundation is strong, built on truth and trust. Are you being honest with yourself? Be aware of projection and judgment, take care of your side of the street and move forward. Keep it clean.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Other people may be thinking and talking about you, requests for your presence and invitatio
ns abound. This is a rather busy time of year; summer has plenty to offer in the way of fun and sun. Return calls, answer emails. Get out and enjoy the gift of life. Open your heart to the beautiful, bountiful natural world. Enjoy the joy and experience grace.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Neptune and Chiron in Pisces continue to put themes of spirit and healing front and center. Take a good hard look at the quantum physical reality of life today on planet Earth. Everything is an interconnected web of love, light and information. You are a particle and wave that affects the whole. Do your best to be your best and let the Universe take care of the rest.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on an organic tree farm in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @












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