Alacazem 2011.07.07

Alacazem 2011.07.07

July 7 to 14, 2011

Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Mercury and Saturn

Magnificent, Magical Summer – la Tierra Madre y la Luna Diosa

Pink&gold clouds2 Summer is magnificent and magical. Long, hot days and warm, embracing evenings cast spells on those who dance in the forests and swim in the waters of Mother Nature’s bounty. Rollicking rivers and bubbling brooks cascade through mountain canyons, travel across meadows and follow the land-curves to irrigated fields and gardens of harvest. Some of the water flows to the sea, some of it quenches thirst and some of it simply evaporates. Towering cumulonimbus clouds rise above swaying green pastures and parched, golden grasses, exploding in rain, electric lightning and rumbling thunder. Sunsets paint the skies with pink and coral as turquoise twilight slowly turns to night.

The-Mayan-Calendar-004 Glittering stars and cooling breezes await those who venture in to the mystical delight of summer’s darkness. The distinctive fishhook shape of the Scorpion paints the southern sky with shimmering diamonds, and is easy to identify. Antares, its red 1st magnitude heart-star is a super-giant and emanates far more light than other stars in its spectral class. And check out the “cat’s eyes” of the Scorpion’s tail. They represent the “stinger” of this classic constellation – watch how they glisten and glimmer as they look back to you from somewhere out in deep, deep space. High and to the west, the bright orange star Arcturus stands out like a beacon – follow the curve of the Big Dipper’s handle (Ursa Major) to make sure you have it right – and in the east, check out blue-white Vega, our summer’s brightest star.

The zodiac month of nurturing Cancer is definitely one of my favorites. Of course, I was born when the Moon was in Cancer, so I’m naturally nurtured by the nurturing and fed by fertility of this very maternal cardinal water sign. La Tierra Madre y la Luna Diosa – the Mother Earth and the Moon Goddess – dance with the divine, pull the tides and call the rain. I am grateful and blessed to be a part of the dance.Vaya con la diosa!

 Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) A very, very powerful week presents itself as the Moon waxes and possibilities increase. Uranus in Aries may feel shocking and disruptive, but the function is one of radical, positive change. Whatever comes your way is part of a bigger plan and higher calling. Focus on love, art, creativity and spirituality. Simply listen to and follow your heart.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Jupiter in your sign continues to encourage exploration and expansion, spiritual enlightenment and higher learning. This is a year of great good fortune and benevolent influence – one that will exceed all expectations as long as you cultivate and follow a path of goodness. Honesty is your ally and truth is your champion. Think positive and believe in miracles.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) As motivator Mars continues to march through Gemini, you may feel stronger desires and passions than you have in months. Be on the lookout for ego-based or “attention me” behaviors that can work against getting what you want. A softer, gentler approach guarantees success. Utilize energy in physically exhilarating ways and stay on track.

Cancer (June 21-July22) Voluptuous Venus in Cancer shimmers beauty and charm down upon all shapes and sizes of Moonchildren this week, adding even more glimmer and glow to your already luminous spirit. Bask in the shine and embrace the magic. This is your month and time to be the best you can be. Focus on love and peace in relationships rather than power and control. Yes!

Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Mercury moving through Leo has your mind busy and communication on the rise. Slow down a bit, witness thoughts and pay attention to what you say. Ego has a way of getting in the way of happiness. Identify how you may be creating misery via projection, speculation and/or assumption. Fully embrace the present, count blessings and seize the day.

Virgo (Aug.23-Sep.22) Say your prayers and recognize the power of spirit. Forest fairies and water sprites beckon those willing to play. Mid-summer magic includes magnificent sunsets, cascading falls and shimmering rainbows. Love and pleasure come via friendship and fellowship. Get out and share your heart and soul with those who love and support you. Keep the faith.

Libra (Sep.23-Oct.22) Master Teacher Saturn transiting your sign gifts you with golden opportunities for learning lessons of elegant potential and power. It’s a like a crack in 3D reality where you can bend time and space, work on karmic patterns and actually make progress in the ultimate spiritual sense. The cardinal grand cross in orb functions as a cosmic wheel. Ride.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Taskmaster Saturn in your solar 12th house of past and present life karma has you cleaning residue, mending fences and finishing actual and metaphorical business in relationships. The most useful spiritual tool in the toolbox is forgiveness. Seek assistance from invisible forces, be honest with yourself, do what you can and let the Universe do the rest.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) You may feel distanced or separated, lost and alone when it comes to friendship. Take a good look at what you need right now in the way of camaraderie. Realistic, practical people who focus on the facts and simply do the work are far better than those who frolic and folly. Accountable, reliable and consistent are keywords. Practice patience and cultivate faith.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) The cardinal grand cross in orb this summer continues to challenge and change the way you think and feel about family, marriage, commitment and career. But most of all, it’s changing you. Accept others exactly as they are and cultivate inner peace. Instability at home teaches you the wisdom of uncertainty. Remember that no feelings are final.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Summer magic entices romance and it’s time to have some fun. Balance is the key to living a happy, healthy life. Make hay while the sun shines, but don’t neglect the beauty and bounty of life’s brilliance in and all around you. Gifts of grace come close to home, you need not go far to find great treasure or pleasure. See the gold and enjoy the moment. Be here now.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Neptune and Chiron conjunct in early Pisces continue to reverberate themes of spiritual health and healing. Body, mind and spirit connect and interact via thoughts, emotions, words and deeds. Feel feelings and open your mind to natural methodologies. Liste
n to your heart and follow your intuition. Major value changes are in the works. Expect the unexpected.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on an organic tree farm in the wild West End of San Miguel County. Visit her website @












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