Alacazem 2008.12.19

Alacazem 2008.12.19



December 18 to 25, 2008


Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter

 Celestial Phenomena: Winter Solstice takes place this year on Dec. 21st at 5:04 a.m. MST, when the Sun enters the cardinal earth sign Capricorn. This is a powerful turning point when forces gather, intentions manifest and plans for the coming year begin to crystallize. As we approach and experience the shortest day and longest night of the year, we enter a portal that both separates and merges dark and light. We stand in an arch of metaphysical magic. The Mother Earth has reached her most distant point on the journey away from Grandfather Sun and, on this day, is magnetically pulled back toward her ancestral home. For millennia, people on our planet have celebrated the “return of the Sun” with fire and light, rejoiced in ancient rituals and reflected upon life in the flickering flames of blazing bonfires or, in more modern times, been  enchanted by the artistry of electricity. The word solstice is literally translated as ‘sun-stops’ or ‘sun-stands-still,’ and the day of solstice stands as a metaphorical and cosmic time for us to also stand and be still, take a moment to honor our primal star and awaken to the sun-fueled fire of spirit within. Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas and may the glowing embers of love, peace and joy illuminate your holiday path.


Aries (March21-April21)

This holiday week is one of extraordinary power and responsibility, as Winter Solstice complements the cardinal qualities of initiation, leadership and achievement. Channel enthusiasm productively as you experience the ever-expanding power and potential of the Universe. Educate your self, open your heart and explore your world.


Taurus (April22-May21)

Your natural practicality and realistic approach to life have been founded on themes of material security and, as a result, you are feeling relatively secure. Maintain forward momentum as you continue balancing equations and making ends meet. Curtail extravagance and demonstrate compassion with those who have not been quite as wise.


Gemini (May22-June20)

Projects of joint investment and mutual effort are in position to move forward. A partner may contact, encourage or motivate you to take action or lead in some way. Remain practical and realistic as you consider budgets, responsibilities and past performance. Enjoy cultural diversity and explore distant horizons.


Cancer (June21-July20)

Winter Solstice initiates the second half of your solar year and heralds a more socially active schedule and agenda. Decks the halls, bake the cookies and light the fire, friends and family are coming to share the yuletide. Expect plenty of communication and travel regarding important others. Focus on healthy pastimes and share the wealth.


Leo (July21-Aug.20)

As voluptuous Venus enters Aquarius, your relationships improve. Happy smiles and warm hugs come from others, share your generous spirit and embrace them. The gifts of love, compassion and kindness are the most valuable and long lasting gifts of all. Show up, be present and give from your heart. Consider health and make a plan.


Virgo (Aug.22-Sept.20)

The recent “supermoon” and celestial grand cross charged the heavens and shook the world with change. Reality is no longer solid or stable, but one of shifting shapes and rising tides. Find a place of grace, keep your feet on the ground and focus on realistic, practical solutions. Do the next right thing and refrain from extravagant behaviors and self-indulgence.


Libra (Sept.21-Oct.21)

The annual cardinal crossing of the Sun into Capricorn marks Winter Solstice and a time for self-focus and personal attention. By taking care of yourself and your own responsibilities, working on self-improvement and refraining from taking care of or judging others, you walk the path of enlightened love. Smile and do your best.


Scorpio (Oct.22-Nov.21)

An active social schedule includes calls, texts, letters and emails this year. Friends from childhood meet friends from now. Neighbors gather and light yuletide fires. Enjoy the holidays by reminding yourself that life’s too mysterious to take it too seriously. Everything happens for a reason and it’s your job to have faith. Enjoy the joy.


Sagittarius (Nov.21-Dec.20)

You may feel over-stimulated, self-important or simply charged with energy. Channel desires constructively as you temper yuletide indulgence with a practical, realistic approach to both partying and purchasing. Take care of responsibilities and know your physical and financial limits. Don’t overbuy or overdo this year. Focus on the heart and hearth.


Capricorn (Dec.21-Jan.19)

Happy birthdays begin as Old Man Winter christens the year with crystalline ice and snowy white. Celebrate another revolution around the Sun with a big dose of genuine humility and experience the awesome grace of gratitude. Count your blessings and make amends to those whom you may have hurt or harmed. Demonstrate appreciation for those who helped you get to where you are today.


Aquarius (Jan.20-Feb.19)

With velvet Venus shining shimmering rays of love and beauty down upon your rather radical and revolutionary personality, take advantage of the soft glow surrounding you. Share happy thoughts and sweet embraces with those you encounter on Earth, while paying homage to the guardian angels and spirits of the Universe. Get out with friends, but keep a handle on indulgence.


Pisces (Feb.20-March20)

Shifting tides and changing times continue to transform your reality and ways of perceiving it. Take a deep breath and count your blessings. Refrain from attempting to “help” others by telling them what to do and focus on the good. Let go of the desire to control outcomes and celebrate Winter Solstice with love and light.


Cynthia is a third-generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American southwest. She can be contacted via email at



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