Dog’s Best Friend: Rescuing rescues

Dog’s Best Friend: Rescuing rescues

[click “Play” to listen to Ted’s comments about training Lulu]

LuLu_Adopt Second Chance Humane Society executive director Kelly Goodin read Ted Hoff’s columns in Telluride Inside… and Out and became convinced this dog whisperer could help rescue her rescues. Several weeks ago, we posted a Second Chance success story named Lulu. The following is a copy of an email Kelly sent to TIO in thanks. (In addition to Lulu, the other dog mentioned in the note, “Gina,” is our rescue, who is doing wonderfully well thanks to Ted’s talent and dedication.)

Hi Susan,

I have been out of the country so am getting caught up with my email just now – all the articles have been great – thanks for all the wonderful references and the spot on Lulu was wonderful too.  I can not believe her
transformation – when I went to see her I thought someone had replaced her with a new dog – I have never seen her smile before and it was amazing and heartwarming.  She initiated a game of fetch with me – I have never ever gotten her to play with me before – and she initiated it!  I can’t begin to speak of how this improves her chances for getting her forever home!!!

So how is Gina doing now?

Thanks so much!


Kelly Goodin
Executive Director
Second Chance Humane Society
PO Box 2096
Ridgway, CO 81432

How does Ted do it? Click the play button and listen to his podcast to discover his simple secret. And call Cottonwood Ranch & Kennel, 970- 921-7100 for help if you are interested in adopting a pet. The consultation is FREE.

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