

January 14 to 21, 2010

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury and Saturn
Evening: Mars and Jupiter
A New Moon Solar Eclipse and Doing Laundry by Hand

Dawn On Jan. 15th at 12:11 am MST the Sun and Moon come together at 25º01’ Capricorn in the exact conjunction aspect of a New Moon solar eclipse. This is the first eclipse of 2010 and one that reiterates energies from January 1991, when that year’s first solar eclipse was very close in zodiac degree to this one. Eclipses take place four or five times each year, but each and every eclipse repeats the theme and near exact degree of an eclipse occurring almost exactly 19 years prior to it.

This year, my husband, our three dogs and I are in Baja California, Mexico, staying at a friend’s house on the East Cape of the Sea of Cortez, about 30 miles north of Cabo San Lucas. In 1991, my husband, our two dogs – both now deceased – and I were building a house in Cabo Pulmo, just 10 miles north of where I am today.

Sea We didn’t have television or telephones, the Internet was a fledgling phenomenon and I was doing laundry by hand. I also wrote my column by hand and faxed it in to The Telluride Times Journal from San Jose del Cabo when we went into town for supplies. Today we still don’t have television, telephones or an Internet connection, but groups of gringos up and down the coast have built fancy houses here and there with satellite dishes and DSL. Jesse Ventura lives across the arroyo – we waved to each other this morning on the beach – but he hasn’t invited us over for NFL playoffs or wifi yet. Luckily, we have some friends a couple miles north who let me log on to their connection and there’s a funky palapa called the Crossroads Country Club four miles south that offers internet for a fee. But, it’s still a challenge to get my columns in!

In  1991, I was more idealistic, naïve and innocent than I am today. I’m an older, and hopefully wiser, version of the ’91 model, but I’m still the same spirit, the same soul, with the same heart I had back then. I still want world peace and hope somehow, some way the rest of the world will want it as much as I do.

In January of 1991 – at the time of the Capricorn solar eclipse – George Bush Sr. bombed Baghdad and entered in to the Gulf War, attacking his old buddy, Sadam Hussein. I can remember shopping in the big open air mercado in San Jose, buying fruit and vegetables. The vendors were all watching coverage of the bombings in Iraq on their little black and white TVs. They all looked sadly at the images and shook their heads. “Muy malo” – very bad – they would say. I was aghast. It looked so awful, so terrible. I felt like the ugly American, the blonde gringa imperialist. So strange. I nodded my head in agreement. “Si, muy malo,” I said. And then, I prayed for peace.

Today, I’m still praying for peace.  And, as an American, I still feel like a blonde gringa imperialist. But, the whales are still calving and mating here and shimmering sea is still a turquoise blue. The winds blow and the palms sway. The sunsets are magnificent. Life goes on. I continue to pray for peace and I’m still doing my laundry by hand.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
The first solar eclipse of 2010 officially initiates a year of great opportunity and choice for the Ram. The cardinal Saturn/Pluto square combines with a combust Venus-Sun-Moon conjunction in Capricorn, heralding powerful introductions and relationship options regarding business, romance and finance. Focus on the practice and do it daily.

(Apr. 20-May 20)
Jupiter enters Pisces and opens the door to a year of increasing optimism and enthusiasm regarding life hopes and dreams. Career changes have expanded horizons and forced you to explore other options. Now you see the magic behind the mystery and the glimmering glow of a different path. Go in directions that feel right. Cultivate talent and faith as you do.
(May 21-June 21)
Solar eclipses signal powerful endings and beginnings. Taking place in your solar 8th house of the soul and psyche, expect to feel the emotional intensity, passion and pull of the ages as you take your first baby steps into the New Year. Breathe deep and know that you are transforming – body, mind and spirit. Embrace the mystery and explore the magic.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
You may find yourself considering a career commitment, a contract with the government or the enrollment in an academy or institution of some sort this week. Whatever the manifestation, the cosmos presents you with important social and professional options. Identify values, goals and needs, and choose according to what’s most important. Be realistic.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Once again, you are faced with ongoing options and opportunities for self-improvement. “Health is wealth” is the mantra for the Lion in 2010, and this particular Capricorn solar eclipse gives you every reason in the world to see why. Beauty and bounty directly correlate and equate with the happiness in your heart and the oxygen in your blood. Choose joy.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
2010’s first eclipse comes in the shape of a powerful Capricorn New Moon, which happens to fall in your solar 5th house of love and creative self-expression. This celestial event portends a year of enhanced romance and personal creativity, when you are both charmed and charming. But, to capitalize, you must be practical, realistic and maintain focus. Good luck!

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Saturn, the Capricorn ruler, begins its yearly retrograde phase on Jan. 13th @ 4º39’ Libra, adding extra weight to the already loaded Capricorn barrow of energy rolling through the cosmos. The New Moon solar eclipse on Jan. 15th then highlights the cardinal Pluto/Saturn square, forcing you to face the great work, task, hope and dream of world peace. Do what you can!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You may find yourself divulging feelings and secrets you never thought you’d share, or at least thinking about doing so. Somehow, you realize that holding on to fear, doubt and anger hurts more than it helps. Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies. Open to the liberation of letting go. Accept the mystery and live free.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
The practical aspects of life and living are stronger than idealistic visions and hopeful promises. Take the bull by the horns and ride to the bell. Good things come to those who embrace responsibility with a level head and happy heart. Approach work with focus and efficiency, make lists and cross off tasks as they get done. Enjoy your talents as a doer. Do it!

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
The world reverberates with Capricorn and a powerful New Moon solar eclipse in your sign amplifies the theme. Success, responsibility, efficiency and effort dance in the cosmic light and you are asked to lead the way. The greatest challenge comes in the face of humility and grace. You must lay down the need to control, seek divine guidance and pray for enlightenment.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
We are often advised to love and let go, let go and let God. Somehow that doesn’t fit the Aquarian paradigm, which is more scientific and mechanical. But, now, quantum physics encourages the idea that thoughts are things and that observers strongly affect outcomes. We are interconnected particles of the whole. Relax in the dream and dream.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
The emphasis on your hopes and dreams, friends and friendships continues. The people with whom you choose to associate have a strong and powerful effect upon your life; they are in fact, your destiny. That said, make good choices and surround yourself with those you respect, admire and want to be like. Osmosis is real and you are transforming. 

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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