02 Feb ALACAZEM: 2012.02.02
February 2 to 9, 2012
Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn Evening: Venus and Jupiter
This week’s February 7th full Moon takes place at 2:54 p.m. MST @ 18º32’ Leo/Aquarius, and brings to fruition the January 23rd Aquarius new Moon that gave birth to the Chinese New Year of the Dragon 4710. Full of life and spirit, Leo/Aquarius full Moons – one in summer and one in winter – are the year’s two most flamboyant lunations. This is when the romantic, courageous heart of the Lion pairs up with the wild and crazy, inventive soul of the revolutionary rebel, Aquarius, and – traditionally – all *&%% breaks loose.
This year, however, we are under the influence of a retroactive, retrograde Mars in Virgo, a Saturn station in Libra, and an ongoing battle between radical Uranus in independent Aries and obsessive Pluto in controlling Capricorn. Translation: motivations and desires to “get out there” or throw caution to the wind when it comes to affairs of the heart or wild, crazy games of chance are being throttled down by some mysterious cosmic rev-limiter that kicks in when we get going too fast or far. It’s like an internal check-valve or dashboard warning light that reminds us to slow down, check the oil and make sure there’s enough fuel in the tank to make it home safe and sound. Added to this, good-luck, good-fortune Jupiter – which usually encourages us to take risks and pull out the stops – is moving through steadfast Taurus, favoring a slower pace and a more practical, productive approach to life and love. It’s more about holding on to what we have than chasing what we don’t! Of course, this doesn’t mean it won’t be fun, just more real, and if we don’t pay attention to the warning lights, we will have to pay!
Sweet, romantic Venus also moves into fiery Aries on the full Moon day, igniting individual passions and reminding us that happiness is an inside job. Self-awareness, self-sufficiency and self-authenticity are themes. So, with Aquarian unity in diversity – where each person’s uniqueness is honored and included as an integral part of the whole – and the courageous, shining, passionate love of Leo, may we celebrate this month’s magnificent full Moon with the rewards of self-responsibility, the blessings of camaraderie and the freedom to pursue our deepest desires.
Love your neighbor and follow your heart. Happy Full Moon!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
Subtle but major energetic shifts take place this week as numinous Neptune enters dreamy Pisces, serious Saturn goes retrograde in artistic Libra and voluptuous Venus enters passionate Aries. All this under the illuminating light of the full Moon. Bring a long-time-coming aspiration into form, commit to a program of focused attention and create!
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
The Aquarius/Leo full Moon is one of the year’s two “party” Moons, an excellent time for social activities and gatherings for people of like mind an spirit. The entire week favors get-togethers with friends, family and fellowships. Put your best foot and happy face forward, smile and enjoy the many blessings of life as you live it. Return to love and give your best.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Friendship and fellowship are themes this week as the Aquarius full Moon amplifies the magnetic power of love-planet Venus moving into your solar 11th house of comrades and camaraderie. Observe the obvious and read the signs, life is sending you signals. The world and its inhabitants are ready and willing to help and assist. Get out and about.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
This week’s full Moon lunation marks the fruition of a personally important relationship commitment or partnership, when pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Identify what you can do and what you cannot, what you want and what you don’t. Accept responsibility for your part, suit up and show up. Reality is beautiful, live in the beauty.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Cool the jets and calm the waters with peace and quiet, gratitude and grace. You may feel pushed and pulled by personal responsibilities and social obligations as the Moon grows full. Pace yourself with plenty of rest, daily exercise, healthy pastimes, good food and natural environments. Seek and you shall find; keep the faith.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Mars retrograde in your sign continues to favor taking care of all those things you’ve wanted to take care of for days, weeks and months. Whether it’s cleaning closets, making amends or committing and then maintaining programs of self-improvement, now is the time. The stars have lined up to favor it all, just for you. After all, you’re worth it!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22)
Master Teacher Saturn goes retrograde this week in Libra and remains so until late June, when it goes direct. This translates as a magnificent time to dive into anything and everything you’ve wanted to purge, discard, resurrect, reconstruct or finish. Sit down and take a major personal inventory, be realistic and practical. You’re on the golden path!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
This week’s Leo/Aquarius full Moon offers the Scorpion plenty of choice when it comes to getting out and about. But, somehow, you may not feel like going to the party or comfortable with the clan. Whatever the manifestation, monitor indulgence and moderate when it comes to crazy ideas and outlandish activities. Love is found close to home, relax.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
As velvety Venus moves from fellow mutable sign Pisces to fiery Aries, you may feel your heart ignite with passion and desire. Or perhaps you find yourself longing for true romance and yearning for love. Whatever you hope or dream to be or have, look forward to several weeks of pleasant times with attractive people and places. Follow your heart.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Full Moons are times of illumination, when people, places and projects come to light. Clarity and fruition are characteristic aspects of this lunation; solutions emerge and possibilities manifest. Observe the players, watch the show and let the mud settle as you prepare for action. Accept responsibility for your choices and refrain from blaming others.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Happy birthdays continue as the Moon grows full. Accept life on life’s terms as you celebrate the awesome beauty and bounty of living on our magnificent planet Earth. Plan your special day with love and care, treat yourself to activities, people and places you truly enjoy. Eat out or in, depending on your preference. Do good, be good and feel good!
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Your ruling planet Neptune moves into your sign this week and will remain there for several years. This heralds a very long, extended period of spiritual illumination and divine transmission, when you move ever closer to the mysterious, miraculous and divine. Sound daunting and ineffable? No worries! The movement is slow and embracing, you’ll love it!
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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