15 Aug Alacazem 2013.08.15
August 15 to 22, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Venus, Saturn
The other day I was returning from a walk in the woods adjoining the canyon rim south of our home. It was late afternoon and sun-rays were slanting across the mesa, filling our tall, seed-laden grass pasture with light. Bluebirds danced along fence posts and a red-tail hawk soared quietly above. A soft breeze embraced me with the sweet smell of alfalfa, blended with the rich aromas of a happy Mother Earth. I took a deep breath and felt suddenly light, light-headed, like a young girl in first-love, transported somewhere beyond and above, yet totally present in the here-and-now. It was as if, for several long seconds, I was simultaneously merging and transcending – at one with the cosmos – fully human and fully spirit. It was one of those moments that can only be experienced in the flesh, but must be invoked by something mysteriously magical or divine. A gap in eternity, a glimpse of heaven – today, what I know as grace – a moment of ethereal bliss.
Further up the trail toward home – seemingly walking on air – I questioned my reality. Why did it feel so supernatural? Was it just the weather, the beautiful day, the puffy white clouds against the azure sky, the morphing season, or? Suddenly, I realized it was the time of year – the mid-summer, Leo cross-quarter week of dynamic electromagnetic force and change – the powerful cosmic pulls on body, mind and spirit; the shifting tides, the changing light – the light! It was the light!
And then I remembered, all things are lights. We are virtually made of light. We, like all plants and animals on this earth, depend and run on a naturally generated, photo-synthetic clock – our Sun. Our bodies, mind and spirits are attuned to the duration and angle of solar rays. It’s something that happens to us regardless of who or where we are, or what we do – subconsciously, involuntarily, automatically. Of course, today, in our man-made, electronic world of 24-hour power and fossil fuel-generated illumination, we can easily lose touch with our natural rhythms and cycles. I just so happened to catch myself in one of the year’s most dazzling and dramatic celestial cycles, in the light, and the Lion roared.
Recent rains and afternoon showers have turned our fields a deep, emerald green. Mushrooms have popped up in all kinds of funny places and the parched, powdery dirt of drought has been replaced with sprigs and sprouts of verdant life. At the same time, summer greens are turning gold. I feel lucky to live in a place so close to nature, even if I am so far out here in the deserted, desolate, wild West End. Good luck and God bless. May you feel the pull and power of the heart-strong, magnetic Leo Sun and the free-spirited Aquarian Moon. Here’s to a happy and full-of-grace August 20th Leo-Aquarius full Moon!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Aquarius/Leo full Moon energy challenges the Ram to stay true to self while participating in a greater whole. Camaraderie and fellowship are themes amidst the imperative for self-authenticity. The more you can love and accept yourself, the more tolerant and collaborative you can be with others. Self-care and self-nurturing are a must. Practice self-honesty.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Lunar light shines upon spiritual revolutions and heartfelt awakenings, illuminating the truth within. Utilize personal and social relationships as a reflecting mirror of who and what you are today. What do you see in others? If you are struggling with someone, focus on what you can do to change, rather than attempting to change them. This is true freedom.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Jupiter is once again a major player in the Sun-Moon dance of August, opening doors and illuminating personal paths to freedom and happiness. The heart remains the star of the show, invoking courage and promoting faith. The theme is “crisis in action” and the function is liberation from prisons of the past. Step into a brave new era. Go forth.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) You are being challenged to think out of the box and liberate yourself from the emotional prisons of past conditioning. It is time to set yourself free and embrace the brave new world of self-honesty and self-care. Let go of any and all victim mentalities or indulgences. Focus on win-win solutions and innovative ideas. Cultivate faith, embrace courage.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) The August 20th Leo-Aquarius full Moon is big for Lions as it deposits a myriad of multi-faceted jewels and gems in your treasure chest of love and light. Personal issues and agendas seeded two weeks ago are now coming to fruition. Remain positive, happy and gracious as the Universe awards you with golden hope and opportunity. Keep your heart open.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) The Leo zodiac month is a perennially dynamic time of year, one of strength, power and light. Flowers blossoms, fruits appear and a touch of autumn is in the air. For Virgins, it can also be filled with emotions and feelings, a magical season of imagination, fantasy and transcendence. Seek out quiet, peaceful places and discover spirit.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) You may feel the cosmic wheel turn and the Universe open to your highest hopes, dreams and wishes as this week’s Leo-Aquarius full Moon surrounds you with glittering, sparkling light. If you have given up on magic and fantasy, it’s time to recapture your inner child and embrace the artist within. Imagination is a creative paintbrush. Paint.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) With serious Saturn and the cosmic, karmic north node of the Moon transiting your sign in a square aspect to the Leo-Aquarius lunar axis, you may feel the heat and want to take flight this week. The good news is you are in a magnificently powerful position to take dynamic, creative action in any and all areas of your life. Embrace courage and follow your heart.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Leo-Aquarius full Moon energy links hearts and minds in a quantum leap of faith and illumination this week, magnifying the universal, cosmic support and inter-connectedness of humankind, nature, spirit and matter. As a Galactic Warrior and bodhisattva on Earth, arm yourself with love and light. Truth and honesty are your allies. Be true; be you.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) You may feel simultaneously empowered and defeated as lunar light shines upon vulnerable, hidden soft-spots as well as your most highly developed skills, talents and abilities. The main thing is to keep your heart open and your mind free. Ego-based behaviors and agendas doom you to a life of suffering. Release judgment and liberate spirit.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Spiritual ascension and emotional transcendence comes knocking as the Sun in lion-hearted Leo opposes the inventive, evocative Aquarius Moon. Cosmically generated and supported opportunity abounds, but you must first see it to embrace it. The golden key to unlock the magical door lies within, inside your heart. Follow the love and live in the light.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Jovial, generous Jupiter in fellow water-sign Cancer is a champion of faith and good will for the numinous Fish now and throughout the coming year. And this week, you are in an excellent position to feel the goodness and grace emanating from the Galactic Center via this very charismatic planet. Take a giant leap, trust your heart, and cultivate faith.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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