
When we began this series, I wrote about the many benefits received from a regular meditation practice. Just in case you missed the post, however, the facts are repeated below. To assist you in getting a regular meditation practice started, I  followed up by posting a Receiving from Source...

Dr. Deepak Chopra was the keynote speaker at the Telluride First Foundation’s very first conference, a summit on Integrative Wellness held last September. Below, from LinkedIn Pulse, Deepak talks about how our beliefs shape our lives –  for better or for worse. [caption id="attachment_54950" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Deepak,...

November 5 to 12, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Jupiter  Evening: Saturn Early November brings us the fourth and last cross-quarter day and week of the year. It is here the Earth reaches the halfway point between autumn equinox and winter solstice in its annual...

You can get the shot. The latest, greatest vaccine is meant to work. But can you inoculate your lifestyle, your home, against the flu? Yes, according this this blog/video by Jamie Feldman in the Huff Post. It's no secret that pretty much everything in your home is plagued...

Dr. Haley Perlus continues with tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” This week, Haley talks about mental toughness, including an attitude of gratitude, which is critical to achieving your goals in sports. In life. The truth is it doesn’t matter how educated you are...

We all have at least one friend who always seems content. Always smiles, inwardly too. Annoying? At times. Attainable? Here are a few habits positive people practice from the Huff Post (a story the editors curated from Avelist). Some people go through life carried forward on the wings of good...

October 29 to November 5, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter Evening: Saturn Boo! It’s Halloween, when the veil between the worlds grows thin. Spirits have been arriving now for weeks, and tonight it’s time to play! I love Halloween. The spontaneity, fun and frolic of this mid-autumn...

Dr. Haley Perlus continues with tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” This week, Haley talks about what it means to be an athlete. Hint: it’s not about being perfect. A great life lesson about realizing your true potential. [caption id="attachment_54709" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Successful couple...

October 22 to 29, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter Evening: Saturn Dark and light, illumination and darkness, yin and yang, male and female, love and hate, war and peace… The polarities go on and on. We live in a reality defined by polarity. We are constantly qualifying...

Dr. Haley Perlus continues with tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” This week, Haley offers another mental toughness tactic, associative attention, a concentration skill that is a sure-fire way to up your game: effort, performance, concentration. About Dr. Haley Perlus: The event wears its name like a glove: “WOW.”  The...