14 Nov ALACAZEM 2015.11.12
November 12 to 19, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Jupiter Evening: Saturn
As the Wheel of the Year turns in its shape-shifting seasons and changing cycles, we also transform. Magnificent autumn days are transcendent, we linger in the shimmering beauty of golden, blushing aspen or feel the awesome grandeur of fresh snow and red oak blazing in backlit morning sunshine crossing over the Dallas Divide. Frigid air and biting winds push us inside; we kindle fires and feel deep gratitude for warmth and shelter as snow rages outside. When it’s pouring rain and clouds blanket the mountains and valleys, it feels like it will always be so. In periods of scorching drought, we pray for rain, wondering if it will ever come.
All life on planet Earth responds to weather and its enigmatic patterns. As seasons change, we also change. As days grow colder and nights grow longer, we seek the comfort of warm hearts, hands and homes. Our connection to others deepens as we feel Old Man Winter fast approaching. The Scorpio zodiac month and lunar cycle encourage quiet evenings at home, cozy couches and seductive pleasures. It’s a time to share our sacred space – physically, emotionally and spiritually – with people we love and trust or cuddle up with a good book or movie and popcorn solo, connect with spirit or find comfort and solace in peaceful silence. This time of year takes us inward. As landscapes morph from green to gold and autumn leaves whirl and dance, spirits shift. We feel the mystical calling and transformational power of heart and soul. It’s time to go deep. Discover buried treasure. Share love. And find inner peace.
Enjoy the season.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) Love planet Venus and ‘I want’ Mars in Libra, your solar 7th house of relationships, reminds you to use honey instead of vinegar when it comes to others. Let them tell you what they want, and you’ll be surprised how close it is to what you want. A Veterans Day Scorpio New Moon reveals where you are shedding old skin in order to grow healthier and happier. Death and rebirth are themes. Embrace new life.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Mental Mercury joins force with the Sun and Moon in Scorpio this week, messaging you to take a good look at what you’re thinking and saying. Thoughts generate emotions and emotions produce the physical biochemistry that heals or hurts us. In the end, we are both doctor and pharmacy. Words also have tremendous power now in relation to others. Good medicine or bad, it’s up to you.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) As Venus and Mars enter Libra, your solar 5th house of creativity, you may feel more creative and motivated to create than you have in months. The Scorpio New Moon also favors personal self-improvement and fuels desires to clean, organize and discard what is no longer useful. This is a precious time of self-fueled productivity that rewards you with the pleasure of accomplishment. Be sweet and enjoy the joy.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) The Scorpio New Moon begins a lunar month of sweet love and happy hearts for Moonchildren. Career changes and unusual professional circumstances continue, but it’s all-good. You may find yourself in a position of authority or guidance regarding family members or social situations. Do the best you can as others will benefit greatly from your experience, strength and hope. Homelife is the good life now.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) It’s time to think with your heart and trust your inner knowing. The Scorpio zodiac month and fresh New Moon favor quiet evenings at home with people you love and enjoy being with. And if you find yourself alone, take advantage of the peace and quiet. Our increasingly technological world, with all its beeps and bounce, can make you crazy. Don’t lose touch with the deep well of goodness inside or the spirit of heart.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Scorpio energy is all about communication for the Virgin. If you love the ones you’re with, let them know. Also express the way you feel, go deep. Venus and Mars now in peace-loving Libra favor balance and equality, sharing and pairing. Words are powerful tools and can be used to hurt or heal. Practice good medicine and don’t preach or spread poison. You will never regret doing the kind thing.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) A Veterans Day New Moon in seductive Scorpio favors self-sufficient lifestyles and resourceful actions. Like my Grandfather used to say, “If you need something, just look around and you’ll find it.” Words of wisdom. Subliminal programming due to media exposure wants us to think we need to go out and buy something to be happy. Truth is, happiness is an inside job. Utilize natural talents and abilities in your quest.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Candles are lit and cakes are cut as you celebrate another revolution around the Sun. Make sure you make your day of birth special and enjoyable, do what you want to do rather than succumbing to others wishes. Otherwise, you may end up feeling resentment or anger. This is called enlightened selfishness, a precious gift we can give to ourselves. Also take note of internal dialogs. All month. It’s the golden key to happiness.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) As the Scorpio zodiac month evolves, pay close attention to what you are telling yourself and others. Are you happy and healthy, positive and pro-active? Are you genuine and true to others? Or are you hiding behind a tough façade, withholding information, facts, emotions or feelings? Whatever the manifestation, accept it all with love and compassion. Cultivate inner peace and practice self-honesty.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) The Scorpio lunar month begins on Veterans Day and gives birth to heightened sensitivity and more intensity regarding your personal hopes and dreams. This is a time of potential inspiration for you, a time when you are well advised to surround yourself with people you respect and admire, seek out support or common interest groups and, in general, follow your heart.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) The Scorpio zodiac and lunar months combine this week in a potent potion of work and accomplishment. You may see a long-worked-for goal or project coming to fruition or see a shining light at the end of the tunnel. Fixed signs hold the world together, and you are blessed with the tenacity and temperament to get the job done. Count your blessings, express gratitude and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) A generous heart and an open mind are allies in your week as emotional, deep-feeling Scorpio rules the ethers with its classically strong hand and iron fist. You are being directed toward the spiritual path of epiphany and enlightenment, joy and acceptance, but you may find yourself traveling a rocky road of potholes and pitfalls. Schooled in experience, compassion fuels the journey. Follow the rainbow.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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