04 Jul Alacazem 2013.07.04
July 4 to 11, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Venus, Saturn
Mom, home and apple pie. Parades, fireworks and American flags. Outdoor barbeques, hot dogs, hamburgers and corn on the cob. Coca-cola, lemonade and iced tea. And for those who drink beer, plenty of our own home-brew – made with Rocky Mountain water from cascading Clear Creek – good old, golden, Colorado Coors.
The 4th of July is the day we United States citizens celebrate and commemorate our independence and freedom. It is the one day out of the entire year when Americans join forces in both physical and metaphysical ways. On this day, we are united in some sort of ethereal realm that understands the foundations of liberty, justice and equality for all. Our hearts and minds travel to the ideals of democracy, the Declaration of Independence and its assertion that we, as Americans, “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
There is something brave and inspirational about these words, something that generates a sense of pride and gratitude, and for me, feelings of humility. I know I am blessed and fortunate to have been born here, in the U.S.A., regardless of our failures and foibles as a nation and society. To have grown up in Colorado, where the air and water were clean and clear, in an aesthetically, physically and spiritually nurturing natural environment, with good people and plenty of opportunity. Lucky to have two brothers and two sisters – both older and younger – a Mom and Dad, grandparents that helped lead the way.
There is a beautiful, touching glow that comes with this American holiday. Memories of summer’s past, romantic longings and fruitions, magnificent pyrotechnic displays – from my childhood in Denver, with popcorn and Kool-aid from our rooftop overlooking the city, to the wonderland of Telluride and it’s magnificent, mountain-rimmed box canyon, to dancing with my handsome husband at a cowboy party way out in Dry Creek Basin on a hot summer night under a shimmering full Moon – I love them all.
For all we are and all we can be, Happy Independence Day! God Bless America.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) Celebrations of freedom and independence interface with a pervasive desire to be nurtured and cared for. Balancing a positive sense of self with the genuine compassion for and consideration of others is the golden key. Be willing to demonstrate your appreciation and affection when it comes to personal relationships. A fresh New Moon encourages self-care. Feel feelings, count blessings.
Taurus (Apr.19-May20) Master teacher Saturn resumes forward motion in your solar 7th house of long term relationships this week, turning the page and signaling readiness to take a big step forward when it comes to important others. If you’ve been working on rehabbing or repairing intimacy, you may now see the positive results of your efforts. Cultivate patience and watch the new unfold. In the meantime, take extra good care of you.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) With motivator Mars now moving through the late degrees of your sign, you may be feeling a bit rundown or tired of running so fast and strong. The rapid pace at which you’ve been traveling, moving and grooving – physically, mentally and emotionally – needs to be balanced with plenty of rest, good sleep and relaxation. Why not slow down and smell the roses? Embrace the beauty of summer and the miracle of life.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) The annual Cancer new Moon heralds a powerful, new physical, emotional and spiritual beginning for Moonchildren. And this year, due to the grand entrance of generous, good luck, good fortune Jupiter into your sign, you are aligned with some of the most benevolent, cosmic forces in the Universe. Take your time and take it easy as you move forward into an expansive new personal era. Smile and keep the faith.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) The 4th of July is one of your favorite holidays. Fireworks for fire signs are exciting and fun. The patriotic sentimentality of the red, white and blue, flags waving in the breeze and traditional parades and celebrations take you back to childhood innocence and young romance. Passions ignite as Venus in your sign surrounds you with love. Smile and be the beautiful soul you are. Relax and let it flow. Enjoy the joy.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Independence Day celebrations put you in the presence of family and friends, good food and good times. Amidst the pageantry and playfulness, consider your hopes and dreams. Life is an ever-evolving wheel with you at the center. Embrace your personal power and potential via the identification of what you love. How can you improve your part in making your life and the world more beautiful? Do your best.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Others may look to you for guidance and direction this week, as the stars shimmer and shine upon your competence and cool, calm approach to life. Competent and convivial, capable and confident, you are also compassionate, considerate and charming. The combination can work miracles; just don’t get caught up in being the fixer. Ultimately, we all need to come up with our own solutions. No ego, no problem.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Taskmaster Saturn resumes forward motion on July 7th in Scorpio, ending four months plus of retrograde in your sign. Hallelujah! It’s time to take a giant step forward and see the forest for the trees. Deep breathing, long walks and a daily spiritual practice are golden keys for the cosmic alignment and ethereal infusion you need to get to manifest cherished hopes and dreams. Follow the stars.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Summer sizzles as the Archer aims cosmic arrows toward the Galactic Center. If you are feeling lost and confused, swimming in a pool of whirling possibilities, count your blessings. Saturn in your solar 12th house of inner spiritual work and divine connection is working to open your heart and guide you toward loving kindness and compassion. First, be kind and gentle to you, and then let the Universe take care of the rest.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) A rather watery, wild and raucous, emotional 4th of July paves the way to the maternal, nurturing July 8th Cancer new Moon. As always, this lunation initiates a lunar month of attention to and concern for others, in general, the most important and significant people in your life. Remember the art of compassion as you consider just who and what is a priority. Boundary issues must be addressed. Do your best.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) After months of working and re-working professional goals, agendas and projects, you can finally take a breather. Saturn resumes forward motion in your solar 10th house of achievement this week, releasing pressure and aiding progress. Pat yourself on the back, but don’t take your eye off the ball. All that time and focus has honed skills and elevated competence. You are manifesting cherished dreams. Don’t give up.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Generous, jovial, good luck, good fortune Jupiter has recently moved into fellow water-sign Cancer, opening a glittering golden door to a year of great personal creativity and romantic beauty. Whatever you love, whatever inspires you; you can be certain you will be feeling the heat of passion. Physical, emotional or spiritual, consider the art of the heart, court the muses and follow your bliss.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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