Alacazem 2010.11.04

Alacazem 2010.11.04

November 4 to 11, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Saturn  Evening: Mercury, Mars and Jupiter

The Birth and Rebirth of the Scorpio New Moon

Venus kisses the moon-4bThis morning I awoke to a deep, blue-black sky, the twinkling lights of our tiny western cow town glimmering beneath the almost invisible horizon of the eastern San Juan skyline. Above and west of zenith, Sirius – the faithful “dog star” of mighty Orion the Hunter – shimmered its bright-white light like a beacon from heaven to earthlings below. In the north, the arcing handle of the Big Dipper pointed gracefully to stellar Arcturus in the east, rising above the thin, mountain horizon-line of dawn.

I put on the coffee and walked outside. The thermometer read 40º, which was noticeably warm for early November at 6:00 a.m. And then, I noticed the newly risen Moon. A brilliant, delicate slip of a slender crescent was cusping the faintly shining lunar ball as sunlight bounced back  off Earth, hanging like an ornament on an invisible celestial tree. The sight was so phenomenally simple and serene, and yet so stunning and magnificently beautiful, I found myself feeling blessed and humbled, awed and inspired. How can an astronomical event that takes place each and every lunar month, costs nothing and is free to all, be so rich and rewarding, deep and divine?

Moon-venus-s The magic of the Moon is undeniable and irrefutable. It’s a power beyond the beyond, a muse of mystery and a celestine companion in our many revolutions around the Sun. It touches us all – heart and soul, body, mind and spirit. As it eclipses the light of the Sun every 28 and one half days, we watch it go from cusp to cusp – waning crescent to waxing crescent, over and over – and as we experience the cosmic birth, death and rebirth of each recurring cycle, we are reminded that we too are cosmic bodies, subject to the same cosmic forces and cycles – wax and wane, up and down, ebb and flow. This week, take a peek and feel the vibe, ride the tide. On Nov. 5th at 10:52 p.m. – just hours following the Sun’s morning conjunction to voluptuous Venus – the Sun and Moon align in the conjunction aspect of a fresh New Moon @ 13º40’ Scorpio. This a lunation of great beauty, power, peace and sweet, sweet love. May you walk in beauty, experience the blessings of grace and shimmer in the magic of moonlight. Happy Scorpio New Moon!

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
With ruler Mars now in fiery Sagittarius, you have the desire and the motivation for enlightenment. It really is all about attitude and action, see the solution and make the move. With Jupiter and Uranus lined up to enter Aries in 2011, it’s imperative that you mind your p’s and q’s now. The future is created in the present. Simply do the next right thing.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
The steamy, seductive energy of Scorpio encourages depth and emotional process when it comes to intimate and committed relationships. Whether it’s a brother, sister, lover, spouse, companion or friend, take some time to examine your feelings. Family and partners are our greatest teachers. We sign up for the lessons we need to learn. Open your heart and learn.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
You may find yourself thinking about money or the status of your most intimate relationships this week. Deep desires and security issues fuel the think tank now, make sure you aren’t embellishing fear or indulging in negativity. Pay attention to the power of your word and participate in the magic of forgiveness. It’s time to let go and let God. Focus on faith.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
A fresh New Moon opens the cosmic door to enhanced romance and creativity this week. Feel your heart and listen to its wisdom as you discover the joy and innocence of the child within. Travel back to the days of your youth and remember how it felt. Play, recreation and relaxation are essential to health and happiness. Have some fun.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Family and domestic issues are center stage as planetary emphasis in your solar 4th house of home and security shines light on the most basic and primal relationships in your life. First of all, be kind and gentle to you. Then extend your spiritual benevolence to those closest and dearest. Emotional pain is healed via love and forgiveness. Simply do your part.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in late Pisces may have you going back to a prior relationship and re-experiencing it’s ups and downs, positives and negatives. The main thing here is to remain open, honest and free. Spiritual magnanimity is necessary for success in all cases. Practice the art of communication via listening and feeling, rather than critiquing.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
With Saturn now firmly planted in Libra, you may feel the effects of Newton’s laws of motion at work in your life and times. The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal and opposite. Examples of “instant karma” are everywhere. Embrace the power of physics and put out the exact energy and intention you wish to receive.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You may be somewhat self-consumed and in love with yourself as Mercury and Venus move through Scorpio. Hey, it’s all good! In fact, it’s high time you recognized and nurtured self via good thoughts and acts. Celebrate another revolution around the Sun with a New Moon ritual and clean slate for a fresh new year. Find a path of heart and stay on the path.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
With Mars now marching through Sagittarius, you may notice a sense of heightened personal excitement and desire. Embrace this time of good health and positive attitude via daily routines and right action. Friends are willing to help and show up whenever you need them – ask. Angels will show you the way. Be good to yourself and others. Do the work.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Be on guard for people, places and influences that may be harmful or detrimental to your personal progress, health and well-being. Stay out of resentment and away from angry, egotistical agendas and displays. Surround yourself with good friends and good energy. Examine your hopes, dreams and wishes as you carve out the future in the present.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
A fresh New Moon in your solar 10th house of career and achievement awards you with clear vision and intuitive insight regarding your current professional status and direction. Examine the conditions of and alternatives to your situation. Every problem has a solution and every question has an answer. Relax and let it come to you. Enjoy life now.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Steamy Scorpio energy uplifts and enlightens those who are willing to swim the depths of emotion and discover the hidden currents at work in ones heart and soul. Motivation to achieve and get it done is strong. Do what you can before engaging others in your plan. Maintain autonomy when it comes t
o partnership but be willing to delegate responsibilities.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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