Alacazem 2011.01.06

Alacazem 2011.01.06

January 6 to 13, 2011
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

The Power of Potential and the Big Dream of 2011

Lunar-eclipse-liz-230x200 I’m always impressed by the difference between the energies of the New and Full Moons of each lunar month – especially during eclipse cycles. For me – and everyone I’ve talked to who witnessed it – the recent winter solstice total lunar eclipse was packed with an unbridled cosmic power that seemed to connect and resonate throughout both the celestial and individual body and soul. It was difficult, if not impossible, to pass unnoticed due to the plethora of media coverage, and of course, word-of-mouth, on the street shuck and jive. I, personally, was able to watch the event from my rooftop deck on a foam pad with blankets and a pillow, dozing and watching on-and-off in supreme comfort and bliss. Lucky me. I’ll never forget it! The Moon was directly above us at midnight here on the Tropic of Cancer, unbelievable! But, then, I’m an astrologer and I deserve it, right? Right!

New moon Full Moons are always packed with power; it’s a time of illumination and expose, fruition and manifestation. New Moons present us with the nubile power of potential, initiation and rebirth. They are subtle and delicate, fertile and fecund. The solar eclipse new Moon in the early morning hours of Jan. 4th is one such lunation, and one that happens to be unusually potent for us all. Taking place in mid-Capricorn on the heels of a fresh New Year, we are cued up and ready to begin again, start fresh and move forward – even if we’re feeling the relatively “heavy” energy of the finite, 3-D economic and material reality in which we live with here on Earth! This week is a time to embrace the actual shape and size of our physical bodies and worlds, accept our financial limitations and imperatives, take a deep breath and accept total responsibility for the condition of our life and relationships. We must understand the concept of change and the art of living in an era of constant evolutionary change. Hope springs eternal and faith aligns us with the Infinite Spirit of Creation, what many call God. Just this morning, I visited the website of my good friend and ally, Dana Gerhardt @, and was happily inspired and uplifted by what she had to say regarding this lunation and our rather metamorphic times. I had been feeling a little down – it’s cloudy here in Mexico today and one of my best friends just fell off the wagon! So, in great respect and admiration of her talent, heart and intuition, I’d like to share what she had to say:

Ship-adventure1-150x150 "How auspicious! On the day of the Solar Eclipse, Jupiter and Uranus meet. They’re conjunct in dream-weaver Pisces. Together Jupiter and Uranus bring growth, change, expansion, and breakthroughs. Their conjunctions, occurring every fourteen years, coincide with discoveries and great forward leaps. What an inspiring way to begin the year! These are challenging times, but like cheerleading guardian angels, the two sky gods are sending a message. They want us to dream big. They want us to imagine ourselves excited and brave as we set sail, individually and collectively, towards a new world. Soon both Jupiter and Uranus will enter Aries: the sign of adventure and courageous initiatives. This Spring I suspect we’ll be seeing a plethora of action movies with plucky heroes and heroines. That’s one way our collective unconscious will be dreaming us into bolder versions of ourselves. Next year, Uranus and Pluto will begin their explosive, revolutionary square. If we raise our courage in 2011, we might lasso that energy and accomplish something amazing."

Good luck and may the Power of Potential be with us all!

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
The fresh new start of a powerful lunar eclipse cycle and New Year encourage down-to-earth practicality and a calm, cautious approach to life. Be realistic about money, sit down and pencil out your credits and debits. It’s time to work the math and balance the equations. You’ll discover you don’t need the puff and fluff. Enjoy peace of mind instead.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
The solar eclipse Venus trine to Jupiter and Uranus starts the year with amazing grace and unlimited potential regarding personal behaviors, interactions with and commitments to others. The power to change, heal, expand and initiate relationships is with you. Temper previously experienced pain with compassion and forgiveness – one day at a time. 

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
With all planets now moving in forward motion – including mobile messenger Mercury – you may feel the world rock n’ roll or hear the celestial music of the spheres. Whatever the manifestation, tune into the sights and sounds filtering through the cosmos, into your heart and home. A year of great creative accomplishment awaits you. Breathe deep.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
2011 begins with a powerful solar eclipse and an awesome Venus, Jupiter, Uranus alignment that forms a grand trine to your sun, paving the way to a year of great opportunity and accomplishment. Important relationships and long term commitments have entered a metamorphic, transformational process of death and rebirth. Above all, follow your heart!

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Ongoing, long established personal relationships with mothers, sisters, lovers and children may finally have come to some sort of breakthrough or happy place as sweet Venus trines good luck Jupiter and life-changing Uranus. It may all feel too emotional and ooey-gooey, but keep the hearth fires burning and the door open. Focus on health and self-betterment.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
The New Year breaks with heartfelt clarity and an imperative for change in your relationships. It’s time to be brutally honest regarding how you show up for and what you want from others. Identify personal behavior patterns that may be self-defeating, destructive or potentially harmful. The cosmos supports positive, healthy actions. See the light and embrace grace.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
There are amazing, awesome opportunities in 2011 for those who see the beauty, grace and power of self-improvement. Maintaining focus in this regard, establishing and committing to a daily practice of spiritual and physical wellness is the very best thing you can do for yourself and others this year. Good luck – may the light force be your guide.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Are you feeling blessed and beautiful, as the stars portend? Are you embracing hope and change? The coming year presents the Scorpion with a variety of shimmering paths regarding persona
l enlightenment and happiness. The next two years demand a totally restructure of your spiritual life and understanding. Get in the game and practice daily.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
The powerful lunar eclipse in the last degree of Gemini/Sagittarius still resonates with awakening and awareness regarding personal self and others. How you show up, what you do and how others react or act in relation to your behavior continues as a powerful theme in 2011. Pay strict attention to how you feel and what you do. Make changes accordingly.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
This is your Happy Birthday month and annual beginning.  Adding extra oomph is the Jan. 4th solar eclipse, which marks this year as an important personal spiritual resurrection and transformation. You are in the initial stages of a metamorphic, once in many lifetimes rebirth and it is not to be taken lightly. Witness the force of karma and simply do your best.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
You have finally arrived at a point of spiritual understanding and compassionate living – even the bad guys have a purpose. Knowing this, you can move ahead, one moment and one day at a time, practicing acceptance, honesty and loving-kindness. A rather fortuitous year of accomplishment awaits you. Embrace the power of choice – make it good!

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Can things get better? Even while you might complain about this or that, you know you have it good – better than most – and far and away above the masses. The key to your brilliance is based on knowledge, experience and – ultimately – compassion. Stay focused on personal goals and practice the art of patience. Explore, expand and discover – choose joy!

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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