Alacazem 2010.12.02

Alacazem 2010.12.02

December 2 to 9, 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus and Saturn  Evening: Jupiter

Todos Santos, Venus and a Sagittarius New Moon

TS Inn My husband Richard and I – and our three big golden labs – arrived safely in Todos Santos, Mexico, yesterday afternoon under sunny skies. It was 80ºF and breezy. Our 1,000-mile journey down the Baja Peninsula was cool and calm. Not much traffic – we crossed at Tecate – plenty of skinny, two-lane blacktop and a plethora of cacti along the way. We stopped halfway down to visit old friends and retired Telluride ski patrollers Mona and Gerry Wilcox at their Punta Abreojos casa and ended up sharing Thanksgiving dinner with them out at a camp on their favorite surf beach. Rod Martin, another ex-ski patroller, happened to be in the neighborhood – his sons Caleb and Nathan have a place there, too.

Mo&Ger We feasted on halibut from Alaska and some tasty local, fresh caught fish – battered and fried by the “Quill” – refritos, couscous with veggies and a fresh green salad. No turkey, no gravy, no pumpkin pie. c'est la vie…

Teal blue water And now, we’re smack dab in the middle of teal-blue ocean, breaking waves and swaying palms. Venus rises in the morning predawn skies and is just as beautiful and brilliant as it is back home. The tiny slip of the waning crescent Moon is just as delicate and delightful here in the Baja as it is in Colorado, and the stars are just as bright. I miss my family and my friends, but I know today that I’m living my destiny, part of a bigger picture, exploring new horizons, experiencing a foreign, hybrid 21st century culture and speaking “Spanglish” – a traveling wheel rolling down the road of life. I am thankful and grateful to be here, to be here on Earth, to be here in body, mind and spirit. Alive and well.

Pink blue palms On Dec. 5th @ 10:36 a.m. MST the Sun and Moon will once again form the conjunction aspect of a new Moon and another lunar cycle will begin. This month the conjunction takes place @ 13º28’ Sagittarius, in the middle decante – the heart and soul of the Archer – a place of deep gratitude, enthusiastic idealism and righteous action. Sagittarius is all about truth, faith, optimism and generosity of spirit. A mutable fire sign, it is flexible, adaptable and likely to go out if it is not fed a consistent diet of good ideas, positive thoughts and high-minded aspirations. Fueled by the hot, flickering flame of desire and the intention of right action, this energy and lunation encourage us to open our hearts and minds, believe in ultimate goodness, cultivate faith in a Universal Spirit, go further and reach higher. It’s about vision and inspiration, exploration and discovery. It’s time to live your dreams and pursue your fantasy. May the abundance and great good fortune of the ever-expanding Archer guide, protect and direct your path. Blessings, peace and joy…

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
A fresh lunar cycle in uplifting Sagittarius opens cosmic doors to a galaxy of unlimited hope and opportunity. The deep soul searching energy of Scorpio forced you to duel with devils of doubt and demons of denial. Now, through a series of tests and trials, you emerge strong and victorious, a spiritual warrior on a path of heart. Stay on the path.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
With all planets in collective signs, you can feel the strong pull of the social whirl. And with the holiday season now in full swing, get out and share the spirit. Enjoy the festive decorations and celebrations of camaraderie. The Sag New Moon offers up positive new beginnings in all your financial partnerships and intimate involvements. Go for it!

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
An overload of planets in your solar 7th and 8th houses tips the scales toward sharing, pairing, exploring and expanding. Others want to be with you, no matter what. Forget about a retreat or solo getaway. It’s simply not happening. Capitalize on quiet time alone – when you have it – and be creative. Otherwise, stay in the present, accept what comes and chose joy.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Being of service and helping others is a fabulous way to feel the true essence of the holidays. The greatest gift is the gift of giving. Your personal time and energy are precious and go far in the quest to make the world a happier, healthier, safer place to live and grow. Provide sustenance for yourself and others – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
The philanthropic thrust and happy optimism of Sagittarian fire ignites the heart of the Lion. Focus on positive, productive ways of living and being. Actions create the substance and structure of our reality. Tap into the love you feel and let it fuel what you do and say. Spiritual generosity knows no bounds and can be given freely. Go in directions that feel good.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Faith and forgiveness are allies this week. Rise above petty disagreements and recognize the toxicity of resentment. Examine your part and be willing to make amends and reach out to others. Happiness at home is where it all begins, and inner peace is its foundation. Look at the facts, accept everything exactly as it is and let go of expectations. Feel the love.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Partnering up with the world at large, traveling the globe or simply expanding your physical and spiritual horizons are ways in which to experience what’s going on both inside and outside. Exploration beckons and it’s time to express yourself by the spoken or written word. Start an end-of-the-year journal or record creative ideas for future projects. Enjoy!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Voluptuous Venus in early Scorpio presents several weeks of shining opportunity regarding love and money. People see you as a beautiful, artistic addition to life here on planet Earth. Efforts of reconciliation and peace are highly successful now, just be sweet and diplomatic. Rise early and witness Venus’ stellar beauty as a morning star – you’ll understand.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Happy birthdays continue as candles flicker and cakes are cut. This year, that a good, hard look at how and where you might be over-indulging, behaving badly or
gambling with assets you can’t afford to lose. This is a powerful year of rectification and redemption – if you play the game with caution, realism and patience. Practice self-discipline and cultivate restraint.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
You may feel deeply involved in the social whirl or poignantly aware of your individual part in the bigger picture. As Pluto conjuncts Mercury in Capricorn, take note of thoughts and feelings. You are a currently a conduit for the collective consciousness and highly intuitive where others are concerned. Maintain healthy boundaries, ask your angels and lead by example.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Numinous Neptune and chromatic Chiron exact in late Aquarius at the time of the Sag New Moon amplifies the ongoing personal theme of physical healing via spiritual practice. You understand the electrical, energetic connection between body, mind and spirit. You know the importance of daily exercise, inner peace and a good diet. Health is wealth. 

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Jupiter and Uranus dancing duet in late Pisces continues to uplift, surprise and enlighten you. Your heartfelt, philanthropic efforts are being recorded in the akashic records and written in the cosmos. Knowing that you have helped others – unconditionally and without motive – rewards you with a deep sense of satisfaction and love. Good work and good luck!

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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