18 Jun Alacazem 2010.06.17
June 17 to 24 , 2010
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury through the 21st, and Jupiter
Evening: Venus, Mars and Saturn
Hot town, summer in the city…

We have a very special place here in the San Juans, its magic and mystique will never die, no matter what goes on in the world outside. The oil gushing in the Gulf is daunting, but, then, so is the water gushing over Bridal Veil and Ingram Falls. I am always blown away by the stunning magnificence of the Telluride Valley and Box Canyon at Bluegrass. The Mother Earth pours forth her summer season with a power and grace that erases memory, changes the channel and tunes us in to the very, upfront here and now of nature’s dazzling beauty and endless bounty. The verdant, swaying aspen, the crystalline blue skies and the rosy glow of sunset followed by turquoise twilight make these days days of blessing and peace. May you walk in the beauty and swim in the bounty. And don’t forget to celebrate Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year – on Monday, June 21st – when the Sun crosses the zero point of Cancer and the sizzling season of summer officially begins. In the meantime, may Merlin and the Witches – high up above in the couloirs of Bear Creek – watch over you. Happy summer!
Summer Solstice awakens the Ram to a brave new world of radical change. You are suddenly on the brink of a major personal breakthrough, looking at a future with unlimited potential and possibility. Success depends upon the willingness you have to drop self-destructive behavior patterns and replace them with a practice of positive, life-building skills.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Ruler Venus in dramatic Leo shimmers and shines love and light in to your heart and home this week. You may feel strong attractions to peaceful, harmonious surroundings and beautiful places. Commune with Mother Nature, tend the to flowers and nurture the garden. Summer Solstice delivers a season of change and awakening. Keep your eyes open.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Your Happy Birthday month draws to a close as summer begins and temperatures rise. Enjoy the beauty and bounty of nature as fragrant flowers, luscious fruits and voluptuous vegetables pop up in local groceries and Farmers Markets. Calm over-active minds with vigorous walks and daily exercise. Get out and enjoy the season of heat and hot.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Happy birthday month to children of the magical, mystical Moon! Summer marks the beginning of your solar year, when spirits rise and higher-self purpose peaks. Take a quick look at road traveled over the previous year and see how far you’ve come! Plenty of positive change has paved the way for good and greatness. Do your best and stay on the path.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Voluptuous Venus in Leo surrounds you with a rosy glow and enough personal magnetism to attract whatever and whomever you desire. Just make sure you’re ready and willing to play or perform when they show up at your door. Primp and prepare for a rather flamboyant week as creative chaos delivers drama and delight. Enjoy the joy of summer.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Motivational Mars now in Virgo lights fires of desire and self-fueled action under ambitious and not-so-ambitious Virgins. It’s as if the Universe has put high octane in your tank and the pedal to the metal. Keep your eyes open and your hands on the wheel as the road ahead comes fast. Breathe, slow down and pay attention to where you’re going!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Summer is finally here. Take a deep breath, enjoy the beauty and count your blessings. Warm nights and embracing days make for a season of great joy and deep pleasure. Have fun with friends and surround yourself with people of like mind and spirit. Court inspirational activities and consider life hopes and dreams. Do what you love and love what you do.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Friends may pursue and motivate you this week and month as motivator Mars moves in to your solar 11th house of shared vision and inspiration. Remain open to the influences and company of people you meet or know via group associations or special interests. It’s time to become a part of something bigger. Add peace to your list of priorities and become willing.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Venus in fellow fire-sign Leo fuels both romantic fantasies and visionary ideas this week and month. It may be difficult to tell the difference between illusions of grandeur and genuine inspirational creativity, but just follow your heart and trust in your personal truth. Honesty and sobriety are allies. Simply do the best you can and enjoy the heat.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
As the Sun enters Cancer and marks the longest day and shortest night of the year, you also mark a turning point in your solar year. Suddenly other people and important relationships take center stage. Examine your part in every play and refrain from blaming others for your own personal frustrations or apparent failures. Success can look like failure. Relax.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Summer heralds the season of increasing activity – physically and mentally. Remember to take good care of your body. Get plenty of rest and eat organic as much as possible. Exercise daily, drink lots of water and breathe plenty of clean, fresh air. You are transforming to a lifestyle that cannot live on empty. Open the door and be willing to change.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Summer Solstice initiates a zodiac month of love and lusty, organic pleasure for the Fish. Swim in the waters, dive to the depths of Mother Nature’s awesome beauty and bounty as you savor the sensations and sizzle of the season. Awakened and alive, here and now, you understand and appreciate the vibrant gift of life. Practice gratitude and embrace grace.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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