01 Aug ALACAZEM 2014.07.31
July 31 to August 7, 2014
Visible planets: Morning: Venus Evening: Mars, Saturn
Here it is, the first week of August in southwestern Colorado. I see the first signs of impending autumn; a golden aspen here and there, blonde streaks and auburn tints in deep green hayfields and swaying grass heavy with seed, catching the light of the setting Sun. I
I love summer and the way it gracefully ripens into fall. Bright yellow sunflowers and rose-kissed peaches, Olathe sweet corn and the brilliant colors of zinnias. Harvesting garlic and tasting the first, unbelievably sweet tomatoes of the season. Monsoon rains and shimmering rainbows. Crisp mornings and cooler nights, embracing evenings and magnificent western sunsets. We live an amazing life here in America, no matter what. Always the opportunity to do the right thing, get up and face the day with courage, strength and fortitude. Accept responsibility for our freedom and recognize how precious it is to happiness. Face ourselves in the mirror and know that we – each one of us individually – is the most impactful, important, powerful person in our life.
Leo reminds us that it’s time to be creative, to have fun, to follow our hearts. In the magic of the heart, we find everything we need. Good luck and may the power and path of heart be your ally, guardian, advocate and angel.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) August begins with plenty of firepower, desire and will as the Sun in heart-ruled Leo and Mars in passionate Scorpio sharpen arrows of intention and encourage persistence in pursuit of goals. The main thing is to remain realistic, grounded and true to goodness in everything you do. Selfish motivations and ego-fueled agendas put you in the doghouse fast. Honesty, truth and right action are allies. Stay the course.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) A powerful, super-charged fixed square involving generous Jupiter and masculine Mars is infused with spirit and will as the Leo Sun shines light upon issues of home, family and personal self. Physical and emotional security in your most important relationships are themes, as well as individual needs and wants. Do your best to be attentive to others while remaining true to self. Focus on the power of love and acceptance.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) The brilliant light of Leo sunshine illuminates perception and opens doors to seeing the world and others with more clarity and beauty than ever. Keep your eyes and heart open, magic and magnificence is all around you. Mid-summer nights and ethereal dreams dance in flower and song. Strong desires of intimate sharing may emerge as you feel Mother Nature’s awesome, seductive power. Embrace it all; you are here.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) Energy builds as the Earth approaches the annual Leo cross-quarter day of August 7th and electromagnetism peaks. Add to the pull a dynamic Jupiter-Mars square in Leo-Scorpio, and it’s time to hold on tight and ride to the bell. Whatever happens and whomever you meet, recognize the power of personal choice. You and only you are living your life; responsibility is the greatest gift of freedom you can give. Smile and laugh. It’s all good.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) Happy birthdays celebrate another revolution around the Sun. Congratulations! Candles flicker and cakes are cut, it’s time to be the best you can be. And, hallelujah, this is your year to shimmer and shine. With jovial giant Jupiter in your corner, all you need is faith, love and gratitude. The rest will come. And, of course, natural goodness, honesty, integrity and fortitude help tremendously. Follow the light.
Virgo(Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Voluptuous Venus in nurturing Cancer encourages love and romance, inspiration and excitement via friends and friendship, common interests, sisterhoods, brotherhoods and fellowships. Whatever your color, shape, faith or preference, now is the time to accept others exactly as they are and see the common bonds and experiences that unite us all. Trust faith; seek divine guidance and practice compassion with yourself and others.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Where are you going and what do you want? The long transit of “me first” Mars in Libra is over, leaving you with a very good idea of what you like and don’t like, what you want and do not want. Now it’s time to go about carving out a new structural reality, based on what you’ve learned about yourself and your desires. At first, it may seem daunting, but good luck Jupiter is there to help. Keep the faith, follow the dream.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) It’s a big week for the Scorpion as motivational Mars in your sign squares off in an electromagnetic dance of will and power with bigger-is-better Jupiter in fiery Leo. Just remember, it’s elemental. Fire under water creates steam and water on fire puts it out. Consider the dynamics and options. Finding a balance of will and desire is key here. Take a deep breath, pause and refrain from impulse. Simply do the next right thing.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) You may feel an uncomfortable snag in the river of life this week, as if something or someone is holding you back from pursuing your most cherished hopes and dreams. The good news is that angels are watching and waiting for you to call upon their guidance and assistance. The only requirement is letting go of your attachment to the outcome and trusting that the Universe will provide. Cultivate faith and go with the flow.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Passion, seduction and desire are themes as me-first Mars in charismatic Scorpio magnetically attracts a variety of paramours and lovers your way. Whether it is you or they, the recipe remains the same. Make sure you are honest and forthright when it comes to sexual engagement and emotional entanglement. Feel the power of love, pure motive and good intention. Open your heart and enjoy the heat.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) A rather enticing, exciting and yet challenging week presents itself as planetary power in fiery Leo ignites passion and fuels action. Balance is the key here; take a good look at what you have to do, your commitments and responsibilities before taking that big risk or giant leap of faith. It’s not that you won’t make, chances are you will succeed with flying colors. It’s all about ego. Check motives and consider karma.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) As motivational Mars moves through the first degrees of fellow-water sign Scorpio and squares jovial, jolly Jupiter in Leo, open your heart and mind to the unlimited potential, possibilities and power of our ever-expanding Universe. What are your deepest desires, what sparkling jewels lie hidden beneath the multiple layers of past experience? Embrace the beauty and bounty within, trust in goodness and mine the gold.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa in the desert Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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